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Michael Khaskelberg

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  • Keenetic
    Extra (KN-1710)

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  1. Already saw the "Attention". But I see no reason to restore broken dependencies. Either "clean install" or "use NAS". Considering the fact that NextCloud works on my Extra too slowly, I will not even try the first option.
  2. Too complicated. I don’t see the point. Now testing NextCloud on my NAS - more powerfull, more convenient to set up and tune. Let's Keenetic be only a router.
  3. NextCloud заработал на php 7.2.17, вопрос решен. PS тормоза просто космические.
  4. остановил веб-сервер удалил php 7.4 (ipkg remove ...) скопировал из ссылки все модули PHP версии 7.2.17 в /opt/home opkg install /opt/home/php* сервер старт интерфейс OwnClowd начинает загружаться, но обламывается с ошибкой: "Не установлен PHP-модуль intl." при этом opkg info php7-mod-intl выдает вот что: Package: php7-mod-intl Version: 7.4.1-2 Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, php7, icu Status: unknown ok not-installed Section: lang Architecture: mipsel-3.4 Size: 142429 Filename: php7-mod-intl_7.4.1-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk Description: Note that this package depends in ICU library which is built without data by default. This is to satisfy programs build and run dependencies but to keep the installed footprint small on the target system(s). However, the data is required to make the ICU library useful - and thus directly affects PHPs ICU extension, too - so consider to also select/install package 'icu-full-data'. Package: php7-mod-intl Version: 7.2.17-2 Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, php7, icu Status: install user installed Architecture: mipsel-3.4 Installed-Time: 1580746741 С какого фига он продолжает писать про 7.4.1 - не понимаю. Команда ниже не помогает: opkg install /opt/home/php7-mod-intl_7.2.17-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk --force-reinstall --force-overwrite --force-downgrade Чё-то как то грустно. Попробую NextCloud, может он посговорчивее окажется.
  5. + some guys on OpenWrt forum says, it is possible to install custom packages in OPKG by direct download. But I cannot find the right place/link for php 7.3 suitable for Keenetic.
  6. I tried to use this instruction, but did not succeed. I can install only the php 7.4.1 from OPKG, while the OwnCloud is only compatible with version 7.3 (look at the official website). Upgrading the OwnCloud to version 10.3.2 did not solve the problem, because php 7.4 is still not supported, therefore I take error "This version of ownCloud is not compatible with PHP 7.4". In addition, Google says that there is no way to install an older version of the php packages through the OPKG. Any ideas what can be done?
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