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  • Keenetic
    KN-2111 T14.F7_0.0

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  1. Do any keenetic router owner having this problem with this specific game? If I grab my laptop and go to my brother's no ping spikes at all(another brand router) and no ping problem with any other game at my house either. Do you guys have any suggestions or a fix?
  2. I want to host a minecraft server so my friend can join but is it possible through Keendns? (port : 25565)
  3. alpha 9 fixed it i guess. thanks guys.
  4. UP So it's like alpha 7 now and no word about this problem. It's still there, changing snr doesn't effect anything since alpha 1.
  5. I chosed 4db and saved the settings but snr from diagnostics doesn't go below 8db so my speed doesn't go up either anymore. it's been like this since 3.7 alpha 1 now I'm using alpha 2
  6. first values are from my extra dsl kn-2111 3.7.2 and other from my isp when i asked them about it. Which one is correct?
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