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    Network Specialist


  • Keenetic
    Extra DSL, Omni DSL, Lite, Start

atasoyk's Achievements


Member (2/5)



  1. Hello Home and Guest traffic flows over multiple Keenetics (running as AP with roaming) from Keenetic Router ports (port config for Guest network is tagged) without any issues. Switches which support 802.1Q can manage traffic also without any problems (ports are configures as Trunk). Is there any possibility to get traffic from both vlans from generic cheap switches? Only Home traffic flows from them Tnx
  2. I removed MWS and re-installed, did a factory to AP but still can't see on member list to add... It says access unauthorised. how can I authorise it again? I changed default admin pass it that the issue? I tried mws revisit mac but nothing happened config)> show mws candidate candidate: mac: 50:ff:20:... cid: mode: model: state: DISCONNECTED license: rci: error, code = 5243089, ident = Mws::RciClient, critical = no: "50:ff:20:...": access unauthorized. (config)>
  3. Ok I saw MWS list but how can I remove it (by CLI or removing wifi system component) ? (config)> show mws cand candidate - display Modular Wi-Fi System candidates (config)> show mws candidate candidate: mac: 50:ff:20:... cid: mode: model: state: DISCONNECTED license: rci: error, code = 5243089, ident = Mws::RciClient, critical = no: "50:ff:20:...": access unauthorized. (config)>
  4. Hello, After auto firmware upgrade of ExtraDSL and Lite, Lite can't bee seen in mesh Wi-Fi system. I did a factory reset to Lite but still no luck. Anything else to do?
  5. Created multi site vpn with PPTP. Thank you for help
  6. hello, I created two IPsec connections with diferent subnets for two different keenetics (Client-1 and Client-2) to connect server Keenetic. They are connected I don't have any issues but those keenetics can't ping each other. Do I need to write a routing on center router? Is there an example? Client 1 ---VPN--- Server ---VPN--- Client 2 Tnx
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