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Julia Rybakova

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Everything posted by Julia Rybakova

  1. Hi Kemal! Yes, we're going to do multichannel RMM. Localization is important, of course. I can't promise the exact date and month. But I hope, it'll be in 2022.
  2. 7. Why can't I see my devices after updating to 3.7 Beta 5? After the update, this situation is possible for users who have no access to the web interface "from outside". What we recommend to do to fix this problem: 1.go to the device 2. add the http tag to the admin user. On the command line, it looks like this: user admin tag http system configuration save Fix will be on Keenetic OS 3.7 Beta 6
  3. Frequently asked questions How often is the device information updated? The minimum update interval is 15 seconds. Typical value you can expect today is between 20 and 60 seconds. In some rare cases, some routers can receive an update every 1-2 minutes. What's kind of devices supported? We support all router and extender models by Keenetic KN-xxxx series (produced since 2018) What's the requirement for KeeneticOS for RMM? - Version >= 3.6.3 from Recommended update channel with "Cloud-based remote control and KeenDNS" installed - As well as an admin account with http rights and without the readonly tag Not all functionality is present in the mobile version / not everything is convenient in the mobile version At the moment RMM BETA is being developed on the Desktop First principle. The bulk of the target audience is professional system administrators who spend most of their time at the PC. Why I have duplicates on the Devices page? This is possible because you have added a Mesh system (RMM added all extenders automatically), as well as manually added already added devices (extenders) from your Mesh system. Why do I see unregistered devices on the Hosts page that aren't on the web interface?? RMM currently saves all the hosts that used to connect to this network
  4. Updates October 28, 2021: CIR-1443. Fixed Event Log record addition when tag is assigned or removed from device CIR-1444. Fixed redundant Event Log record addition when tag is assigned or removed from devices by group operation CIR-1212. Fix: Add unique device import filtering CIR-1206. Fixed Device.OsVersion filtering Fix some issues with network rights confirmation CIR-1423. Added information about available OS version update into API CIR-1362. Fixed showing Other (all other devices) at 1st place for Traffic Dist diagram CIR-1210 Made saving pagination page number in URL CIR-1368 Made the state of the main connections plate when the network status is Loading CIR-1405 Fixed closing the add network form after submitting a request CIR-1406 Fixed closing the add address form after submitting a request CIR-1407 Fixed closing of the add contacts form after submitting a request CIR-1370 Made transition from the top panel on the Network Dashboard page to the Devices and Hosts pages CIR-1441 Fixed Other data series disappearing in pie chart CIR-1412 // CIR-1414 Added legal aspects and check-boxes for Demo Request on Landing Page CIR-1399 Renamed CINR parameter to SINR (for 3G / 4G connection) CIR-1400 Renamed tooltip for seamless transition to web interface CIR-1408 Fixed clipping of CPU / RAM graphics on mobile CIR-1438 Cut off spaces at the beginning and end of the name of tags when creating and editing them CIR-1542 Fixed bug after removing tag
  5. yeah, got it. let's think about this case, thanks!
  6. Oh, okey, i've got it! By the way, these're my networks with 'name' sorting: I think, your problem may be related with turkish letters (like İstanbul and Istanbul) - we'll check it and i'll let you know.
  7. Hey! Am I correct in understanding, you say about dynamic column widths when customizing the interface?
  8. Hi ! Sorry for long answer. You mean, for all pages (like Networks and etc) with custom (personal) priority? Tell me a story why do you want to prioritize, for example, your networks?
  9. Updates June 25, 2021 Added "Two-factor authentication" in the user menu. Quick jump for setting! Fixed the size of the icons in the mobile version of the service. Nothing extra! Updated Support and Feedback links. From the RMM service, by clicking on Support, we now immediately get to the User's manual page, by clicking on Feedback - you get to Forum page Fixed filtering by tags. Convenient to work! And some improvements to the backend Updates June 30, 2021 Fixed missing data on Devices page (topic) Fixed icon's texts (topic) Fixed display of devices in extender mode, added independently in RMM without a mesh system (removed the crown icon) (topic) Added sorting by Network on Devices page (topic) Added checking and displaying of already added routers to the system when importing from the warranty service (topic) [CIR-1148] Updates July 1, 2021 Fixed Telegram integration and connection [CIR-1180] Fixed adding and monitoring non KN-XXXX devices to the RMM [CIR-1181] Updates July 12, 2021 The main navigation of the service has been moved to the left side panel [CIR-1065] Added temporary information about full access to routers when adding members to a team (topic) Fixed sorting of networks when the list contains networks that have been shared with you (topic) [CIR-1178] Added statuses for networks not supported in RMM and fixed the addition of such networks [CIR-1181] Fixed an issue where the host list page was not displayed (topic) [CIR-1075] Fixed URL processing with a slash at the end when adding a network via KeenDNS (topic) [CIR-1205] Updated thresholds for CPU / RAM, now green (normal) displays values <50%, yellow (warning) displays values >= 50% and red (critical) >= 90% [CIR-1179] Fixed empty display of the total number of records when filtering in some cases [CIR-1079] Improved handling of device polling errors Improved error handling on the frontend side of the application Minor improvements and improvements to the layout of the front-end part of the application Fixed a situation where deleted devices and hosts could still showing after deleting a network (topic) [CIR-1075] Updates July 14, 2021 Fixed the navigation in the mobile version through the mobile menu "burger". Now the navigation on desktop and mobile is synchronized (topic) (topic) (topic) [CIR-1240] Updates July 30, 2021 Fixed sending false notifications to Telegram in case of a crash on the data collection server [CIR-1282] Fixed removing the tag by which lists are filtered (topic) [CIR-1144] Fixed some texts and tooltips (topic) [CIR-1254][CIR-1221] Added 3 news to the What's new popup about the new functionality, the release of which has already taken place [CIR-1249] Small fixes and improvements to data collection from routers Updates August 6, 2021 Some improvements on the data collection server [CIR-1299] Fixed icons on the device import popup from Warranty App [CIR-1298] Updates August 13, 2021 Fixed stopping update of some Networks [CIR-1315] Fixed a bug with the renaming of the Network and confirming right for the Network (topic) [CIR-1300] Some improvements on the data collection server Updates August 23, 2021 Fixed network status colors [CIR-1286] Fixed tag creation on Android (topic) [CIR-1170] Improved some text and icons [CIR-1272] [CIR-1261] Increased the threshold for the appearance of the captions about outdated data to 2 minutes [CIR-1327] Fixed tooltips hang [CIR-1196] Fixed bug when confirming the right of the network (topic) Some improvements on the data collection server Updates August 26, 2021 Fixed add and import networks after the last RMM updates Updates September 1, 2021 Release RMM Beta 2.0 (Release notes) [NEW FEATURE] Network detail page. More information on the help.keenetic.com [CIR-977] [NEW FEATURE] Seamless transition to the web interface of any Keenetic device [CIR-1098] [NEW FEATURE] The contact information for networks [CIR-1324] Improvements and fixes Added breadcrumb navigation [CIR-1278] Added new columns for the Network List page [CIR-1270] Added new columns for the Device List page [CIR-1000] Fixed markup of the device list column with limits (topic) [CIR-1257] Fixed group selection of networks after filtration (topic) [CIR-1236] Fixed closing mobile navigation (burger menu) after resizing browser viewport (topic) [CIR-1229] Some improvements on the data collection server Updates September 16, 2021 Added a link for the Web interface on the Network Details Page [CIR-1325] Increased the CPU/RAM graph interval from 3 minutes to 1 hour [CIR-1355] Fixed a timeout problem when adding the Network (topic) and improved the Confirm Right form [CIR-1228] Fixed the order for a DSL noise margin params (topic) [CIR-1382] Fixed the tooltip for the toggle navigation button (topic) [CIR-1242] Fixed GUI adaptation for mobile browsers [CIR-1366] Fixed the sorting by segments on the hosts page [CIR-1351] Many small improvements for GUI [CIR-1275] [CIR-1380] [CIR-1356] [CIR-1379] [CIR-1386] [CIR-1363] [CIR-1383] [CIR-1284] [CIR-1364] [CIR-1110] [CIR-1365] [CIR-1364] [CIR-1384] [CIR-1359]
  10. We publish news about the latest fixes and updates of the service here
  11. Thank you so much!
  12. Hi! I've got it ! Is it desktop, isn't it?
  13. Hi! This behavior is possible, the system polls every device on the network - therefore, a slightly longer boot is possible. We wrote about this in FAQ
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