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Posts posted by murdocklawless

  1. I connect to my own vpn server with wireguard. I defined this vpn as a connection rule in a segment. my goal was to automatically access the internet via vpn when connected to this segment. it works this way, but only unregistered devices can access the internet via vpn, if the device is registered, whatever the connection rule selected for the device is valid and therefore can not access the internet via vpn. I don't understand why this feature is made only for unregistered devices? because if you use whitelist in segments in wireless access control, the device must be registered, if you leave the device unregistered for the segment with the vpn rule defined, then you can not connect to other segments because of the whitelist. because of this dilemma, it is necessary to offer options for both registered and unregistered devices in connettion rules within segments.

  2. hi all,

    I set up an openvpn client to connect to my vps running openvpn server. my hero dsl connects to server until i restart the device. after reboot it no longer connects. If I disable the openvpn option "use for accessing the internet" and save than enable the same option and save again, the device is able to connect to my server again.

    the second thing is creating openvpn server part. it's definetely not for standart users. it should be more user friendly. for example my old asus modem is doing this with a few mouse clicks and filling a couple of text boxes.

    I'd like to see this, if I want to create an openvpn client, device just asks me to load the ovpn file and do the rest of the processes automatically. if i want to create a server, just asks me to fill some textboxes and choose some options and create server automatically and sends me ovpn file to connect.

  3. On 11/10/2021 at 4:32 PM, admin said:

    I'm not sure if everyone understands how your devices are connected, and even how many of them you have (three? — modem, keenetic, ubiquiti).

    Would you draw a picture with IP addresses on all network interfaces.

    here is my network topology.

    cable and wifi devices are in 192.168.2.x segment.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Le ecureuil said:

    I see no objections to do that. Probably UDP/500 and UDP/4500 should be excluded from DMZ, but worth to try.


    no, ports are not excluded. otherwise I wouldn't be able to connect to vpn routers. 


    16 hours ago, yerebakan said:


    Kenetic is sending all ports and protocols to the router. If I forward the ports to the modem as ike and nat-t I can not connect to edgerouter's vpn. I think I can only do this with certain ip 's. ip x.x.x.x forwards to edgerouter vpn, ip y.y.y.y forwards to keenetic vpn. so i can connect to both vpn but unfortunately there are no two different static ip.

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