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Posts posted by Twilight

  1. So guys, it's been almost a week since I'm trying to settle the issue with the device return.

    Frankly speaking Keenetic support is sporadic, non-friendly and useless.

    Currently I have a dead $140 router that worked less than 10 days and no simple way to return it.

    Moreover I spent another $100 to buy extra router to replace a faulty kn-1011.

    I'm so frustrated. Didn't expect such a bumpy experience from a company who so heavily invested in advertisement of their soho products.


  2. Hello Keenetic Support,

    almost 10 years I've been using Buffalo WZR-600DHP. Last month I thought it would be a wise move to upgrade my home network and switch to a reliable solution as my old buffalo after all that time might be fail prone. Kn-1011 seemed like obvious choice and I was happy to buy and install it.

    All nice and shiny it didn't last even a week and today right in the middle of the work call I lost my wifi (both 2.4 and 5 Ghz connectivity).

    After router reload I got:

    "The maximum number of wireless networks has been reached. To assign a wireless network, remove an existing wireless network in another segment."
    for the both wireless interfaces.
    Revert to default settings fixed nothing.
    Is it a sign of a new keenetic "quality" or what? Is it still possible to fix it and what's probability I'll face this nonsense again?
    Should I return it to the store tomorrow and forget about "the most reliable SOHO solution on the market"?




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