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Everything posted by nealt

  1. @KYTECHNGAMING thanks for noticing that. Yep, you're right, no need to have a local IP address, so it could be disabled.
  2. It's amazing that Keenetic team has supported major IPv6 related features in KeeneticOS 3.9, but lots of new users could not use them since IPv6 component is not bundled. To address that during the Initial setup these users need to have an additional router with working Internet connection to download firmware update. Please consider bundling IPv6 component by default into KeeneticOS.
  3. On the European market lots of mainstream providers are providing Dual Stack Lite connections, but in KeeneticOS v3.x it's impossible to manage static IPv6 route in Web UI. It's possible to workaround it by using CLI/Web CLI but it's not that convenient because you need to search required commands in manual. For instance: ipv6 route 2a02:2698:24::/64 Wireguard0 Use case for that requirement is simple: add a static IPv6 route to the remote network via WireGuard/VPN connection. It would be great to support adding static IPv6 routes in Web UI.
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  4. As of now in KeeneticOS 3.8.x this setup is not supported out of the box, but works seamlessly in Fritzbox devices. Telekom technicians are not aware about devices other than Fritzbox routers. In new buildings Telekom provides FTTH connections where in apartment communication box they are installing ONU devices called Glasfaser Modem 2. They don't have DHCP, so we need to manually set IPv4 address on our device: IP address: After that ONU web management interface could be reached at Currently Telekom uses PPPoE to establish connection and we need to provide credentials like that: Username: "Anschlusskennung"+"Zugangsnummer"+“Mitbenutzernummer"+"@t-online.de" Password: "Kennwort" All of these data will be sent per mail and could look like that. Then set VLAN 7 for Internet and thats it. How to setup Keenetic device The Initial setup wizard could not help with such setup so you need to proceed in the following way: * Use another router which has Internet connection and connect your own Keenetic WAN port to it. * In the Initial setup wizard select "To setup internet access via modem, optical terminal or ethernet wall outlet" * Navigate to the Internet -> Wired page and configure it as follows: VLANs for Internet, IP telephony and IPTV Internet: 7 IP and DNS settings IPv4 configuration: No IP address ISP authentication (PPPoE / PPTP / L2TP) Type (protocol): PPPoE Username: <username> Password: <password> MTU size: 1492 Adjustment of TCP MSS: enabled Keenetic team, if you're targeting not only on xDSL users on the German market, consider supporting such setup out of the box in the built-in firmware, because currently it's impossible to do that without having an existing router and it works only for advanced users. Telekom FTTH reference (german).
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