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  • Keenetic
    Keenetic Ultra KN-1810

bilinmiyor's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. I think I figured out the problem. Because of /64 prefix, my router gets 2a02 ipv6 but cannot distribute other clients. My router (Ultra) needs to get ipv6 prefix. So my Omni DSL modem needs an ipv6 dhcp relay within RA relay. Is there any cli command for ipv6 dhcp relay?
  2. Hello all, I have Keenetic Ultra router and Keenetic Omni DSL modem. Configured Ultra with 2 ISPs named TNT and KNT on Home Segment. TNT (ipv6 /64 prefix) via Omni DSL and KNT (no ipv6) via a cable modem. Both ipv6 are active. Omni DSL gets ipv6 prefix and other ips from ISP and even if I connect my client directly to DSL modem it gets auto ip from its DHCP. However, all my network clients set in Ultra router. But no one is getting ipv6. Omni DSL ipv6 routing list: ::/0 fe80::be4a:xxxx:xxxx:680 TURKNET (PPPoE) 2a02:xxxx:xxxx:3aae::/64 :: Home segment Ultra ipv6 routing list: ::/0 fe80::xxxx:xxxx:fe6c:6e15 TNT Do I need to change anything via CLI?
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