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Everything posted by AlperShal

  1. Related CVEs: - CVE-2024-4021 - CVE-2024-4022 Affected devices: - KN-1010 - KN-1410 - KN-1711 - KN-1810 - KN-1910 Affected versions: - Up to Description (4021): A vulnerability was found in Keenetic KN-1010, KN-1410, KN-1711, KN-1810 and KN-1910 up to It has been declared as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /ndmComponents.js of the component Configuration Setting Handler. The manipulation leads to information disclosure. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-261673 was assigned to this vulnerability. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.
  2. Did anyone found a solution to this? I have iPv6 but I can't use it. This is really annoying.
  3. The interface is lacking some critic iPv6 configuration options and information boxes. Client iPv6 addresses in the client list and/or client information box > more information. Ability to set static iPv6 address to a client if possible. (I am not sure if this makes any sense or is applicable but while my server is using SLAAC address constantly others are not and they are changing every once in a while. So it would be nice to have the option to statically set it for those we need. (Not a networking expert so not sure if the ip is being given by the router or requested by the client)) Ability to add iPv6 static routes from web interface as an alternative to `ipv6 static [protocol] [interface] [mac] [port]` command. Ability to add iPv6 firewall rules from the web interface. (Related to previous entry) Ability to set router iPv6 address from web interface as an alternative to `interface [interface] ipv6 address [ipv6]
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  4. I am having the same problem. ipv6 static tcpudp PPPoE0 [mac] [port] After running this command people are able to connect to my home lab for maximum of 5 minutes and then they can't. There is clearly a problem with this command.
  5. Hi! My router's (KN-1910) connection mode is set to "HTTP and HTTPS" under Users and Access but when I type my router's iPv6 to the address bar of my browser (using http or https) the router refuses to connect. If it matters, I am also using KeenDNS and it is in "Auto" mode.
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