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  • Keenetic
    Giga, Hopper et

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  1. The following information will also be of interest for Deutsche Telekom customers. It shows how to set up Keenetic routers in case your Magenta TV ONE TV-box (provided by Deutsche Telekom) does not connect to a dual-band WiFi network set on Keenetic - https://telekomhilft.telekom.de/t5/TV/MagentaTV-One-kann-sich-nicht-mit-Dualband-SSID-verbinden/m-p/6681061/emcs_t/S2h8ZW1haWx8dG9waWNfc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ufExVSkRUOTNQTEhUMkVSfDY2ODEwNjF8U1VCU0NSSVBUSU9OU3xoSw#M636522
  2. There's also possible to plug a SPF module and get rid of the ISP's glass fiber box completely, see https://github.com/xvzf/zyxel-gpon-sfp As you can see in the article, it's possible to buy this module online , at Telekom's website - https://geschaeftskunden.telekom.de/internet-dsl/produkt/digitalisierungsbox-glasfasermodem-kaufen for a fairly good price and make some "adjustments". But I personally have not tried it.
  3. Hi, You can turn on "Easy Login" option as described at https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/auftrag-erste-schritte/einrichtung-festnetz-internet-und-tv/was-ist-easy-login?samChecked=true and use ANY login and password for PPPoE. As a new customer of Deutsche Telekom landline (connection date - January 2023) I have got this option ("Easy login") turned on from the very beginning. So the setup in Keenetic (in case you are connected to ISP via glass fiber box) is really easy now: 1. Connect Keenetic's WAN port to RJ45 port of the glass fiber box (that you got from Deutsche Telekom). 2. Enable PPPoE for the "Ethernet ISP" 3. [PPPoE setup] Set VLAN 7 for Internet 4. [PPPoE setup] User any/random login and password for PPPoE.
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