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Igors Micko

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  • Keenetic
    Carrier, Runner 4G, Skipper 4G

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  1. All working, no issues with routing. But even if I use Keenetic as a router for my devices and set efault route for Keenetic to ISP device - Keenetic will not show that traffic as Internet sent/received traffic. Because there is no Internet connection from router/UI point if view, just default route.
  2. INTERNET section of UI allow to use f.e. LT modem, ethernet port, ... as an connection to Internet. In my environment Internet gateway have IP in same segment as Keenetic local segment.. So, can't use Keenetic as a classic router between local segment and Internet. Would be nice to have ability to use local (Home) IP address as a valid connection to Internet (configurable in INTERNET section). To have possibility to use Keenetic as a default router for local devices with further forwarding to Internet gateway IP. Thus allowing to utilize IntelliQoS, see traffic/application statistics over a forwarded traffic. Thank You very much.
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