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Everything posted by Daria

  1. 03/03/2025 Keenetic RMM New Introduced a new display for CPU and RAM blocks on mobile [CIR-4329] Removed the sorting by Operation filter from the Event Log page [CIR-4335, CIR-4336] Added a new indicator to display the number of nodes [CIR-4158] Fixed Resolved the issue of missing notifications for switching to offline status [CIR-4273] Fixed the random order of Sites and Nodes when sorting by the Available column [CIR-4267] Fixed seamless access conditions for extenders with an OS version lower than 4.3 Beta 0 [CIR-4277] Fixed an arrow for default sorting in table headers [CIR-4266] Fixed display of context menu and buttons in Sites table [CIR-4131] Fixed incorrect navigation of pagination when there are more than 4 pages [CIR-4205] Fixed item selection per page for mobile [CIR-4204] Fixed connection status changing on Site detail page [CIR-4271]
  2. 04/02/2025 Keenetic RMM New Added permission for seamless access to the web interface of the device when remote access is disabled in the device settings [CIR-4154] Added sharing icons to Nodes [CIR-4156] Added error page for failed access to the web interface [CIR-3869] Implemented new design of cookies banner on landing page [CIR-4086] Fixed Fixed display of user accounts that unsubscribe from notifications in Telegram bot [CIR-4180] Added missing icons of nodes [CIR-4234]
  3. Hello, are you having a problem connecting to RMM? If yes, please describe the details and provide the KeeneticOS version on your device
  4. 19/11/2024 Fixed Fixed display of ‘Statistics Update’ notification panel on mobile [CIR-4130] Fixed Help Centre links [CIR-4126] Fixed events in the Event log and notifications in Telegram about client access to the Internet change
  5. 14/11/2024 New Added new group operations with clients that enable to restrict and allow access to the Internet [CIR-3969, CIR-3970] Added new events to the Eventlog and notifications in Telegram about client access to the Internet change [CIR-4069] Added new header display on mobile version [CIR-3870, CIR-3988] Added new column User in the Tasks table [CIR-3974, CIR-3975] Added new display of Address and Description blocks on the Site detail page [CIR-3795] Added new display of the Confirm rights button [CIR-3703] Added highlighting in texts [CIR-3996] Added conditions to the Search bar [CIR-3956] Added close button for all modal windows [CIR-3776] Added new maximum and minimum width for table columns [CIR-3478, CIR-3823] Added blocked filter for mobile version [CIR-3872] Added new conditions of sorting in Available column [CIR-3945, CIR-3947] Added dynamic calculation of Uptime value from current time [CIR-3888] Added new conditions of sorting in Uptime column [CIR-4024] Fixed Fixed blocked status for offline clients [CIR-4108] Fixed the display of register and unregister operations in the context menu [CIR-3964] Fix the layout of the Site detail page on tablet version [CIR-4014] Fixed issue with hiding column via settings gear [CIR-4019] Fixed display of empty import modal window [CIR-4050] Fixed the order of connection types on the Site detail page [CIR-3782] Fixed twitching in the sidebar menu [CIR-4072]
  6. 29/09/2024 New Added autofocus on the first input field in forms [CIR-3867] Added icons for Keenetic models [CIR-3937] Fixed Fixed KeenDNS invalid format handling [CIR-3854] Fixed connection type for offline clients [CIR-3827] Fixed service tag format in notification when adding a site [CIR-3781] Fixed pagination for a large amount of items [CIR-3868] Fixed missing icons for Keenetic models [CIR-3808] Fixed scroll behavior in tables [CIR-3946] Fixed blocking of the web interface link on the site details page [CIR-3993]
  7. 30/08/2024 New Added icons for new Keenetic models [CIR-3729] Fixed Fixed saving of the event about adding an extender to a site in the Event Log [CIR-3790] Fixed an error when adding a tag created by another team member to a site [CIR-3837] Fixed layout on the start screen when there are no sites [CIR-3691] Fixed display of site status on Site detail page in mobile version [CIR-3762] Fixed the visibility of the filter “Type” when refreshing the Dashboard page [CIR-3821]
  8. 08/08/2024 New Added notifications about site going to "Confirmation of rights required" or "Extender mode not supported" statuses [CIR-3601] Added search by Service tag [CIR-3751] Added link to the Sites page when clicking on the logo [CIR-3728] Fixed Fixed adding a tag created by another user [CIR-3750] Fixed counter of online clients on the Sites page [CIR-3752] Fixed counter of nodes on the Sites page [CIR-3753] Fixed icons of Zyxel Keenetic models [CIR-3712] Fixed sorting by Signal/Protocols on the Nodes page [CIR-3671] Fixed the size of the node icons [CIR-3695] Fixed field validation in the forms [CIR-3733]
  9. 02/07/2024 New Added an optional “Site name” field to the “Add site” form [CIR-3689] Added search of sites by Service tag [CIR-3620] Added new display of the "Import routers" modal window for the situation when data is loaded [CIR-3434] Implemented filter blocking when there are no items on the page [CIR-3637] Added different states of the Site detail page according to the status of the site [CIR-3622] Fixed Fixed the display of column count in the table settings [CIR-3662] Fixed layout on 404 and 500 error pages in the mobile version [CIR-3732] Fixed update of the number of Online clients when the site changes its status to "Offline" [CIR-3668, CIR-3718] Fixed connection parameter from "2 GHz Wi-Fi" to "2.4 GHz Wi-Fi" [CIR-3680]
  10. 06/06/2024 New Changed names of the site description fields [CIR-3654, CIR-3597] Added a warning description to the Confirm rights modal window [CIR-3651] Fixed Fixed OS version filter on the Nodes page [CIR-3566] Fixed slow queries in Event Log filters [CIR-3696] Blocked OS Update/Reboot for site when MWS component is not installed on the router [CIR-3665] Fixed icons of sites and nodes [CIR-3699]
  11. 23/05/2024 Fixed Fixed node update when MWS component is not installed, with KeeneticOS version 4 and higher [CIR-3587] Fixed online clients count on the Site detail page [CIR-3638] Fixed duplication of rows in tables when sorting by parameter with missing variation [CIR-3663] Disabled closing modal windows by clicking on the area around the window for the web version [CIR-3553] Fixed field validation in “Add site” modal window [CIR-3615]
  12. 17/05/2024 New Updated the design and content of the landing page [CIR-2600] Added a mechanism of consent to the legal documents [CIR-3107, CIR-3462, CIR-3488]
  13. Hello! Please try to open access to the web-interface on your router
  14. 18/04/2024 New Added Owner filter on the Sites page [CIR-3385] Added MAC address column to the Clients tab on the Event log [CIR-3425] Added Copy button in the context menu [CIR-3383] Changed favicon for the RMM [CIR-3543] Fixed Fixed disappearance of input text from the search bar when navigating to a search result [CIR-3486] Fixed Tasks page loading after site transfering [CIR-3561] Fixed possible value list for the Segment filter on the Clients page [CIR-3589] Fixed dropdown behaviour when clearing the search input [CIR-2331] Fixed search hints when searching for less than 3 characters [CIR-3436] Fixed Confirm rights button displaying on the Sites page [CIR-3491] Fixed Telegram ID displaying when subscribing an account without a name [CIR-3429] Fixed behaviour of pinned rows when resetting applied filters [CIR-3313]
  15. Hello Sergey! This problem has been fixed. Thank you for your feedback and interest in our service 🙂
  16. Dear customers! We are currently working on improving the user experience with Keenetic RMM and we invite you to participate in the research. The survey will take you no more than 15 minutes to complete. Link to the survey. Thank you in advance😊
  17. 13/03/2024 New Unregistered offline clients are removed from the client list [CIR-3427] Fixed Fixed Telegram notification with empty SMS text [CIR-3498] Fixed user input filtering for special characters in Telegram [CIR-3499] Fixed an error in displaying text with HTML special characters in the Event log [CIR-3501]
  18. 27/02/2024 New Added the ability to transfer a site from one RMM account to another, if a user has a router credentials [CIR-3280, CIR-3387] Added sorting by Address in Sites table [CIR-3388, CIR-1358] Fixed Fixed incorrect scroll bar behaviour across the entire web application interface [CIR-3289] Event log filter drop-down list now displays only those entries that are in the current table [CIR-3188] Fixed incorrect display of error text when updating the site’s OS in Tasks [CIR-3435] Fixed layout of radio buttons in “Add site” and “Connect Telegram” modal windows [CIR-3147, CIR-3146] Fixed incorrect position of Export button in Event log on different screen sizes [CIR-2691] Fixed dividers display in mobile modal windows [CIR-3357] Blocked transition to Site page from Event log when OS update or reboot is ongoing on site or router [CIR-2886]
  19. 01/02/2024 Changed Please note that the following corrections have been made throughout the application interface to unify and align the terms used in Keenetic products: Network → Site Device → Node Host → Client Controller → Router Member → Extender New Added tooltips for CPU and RAM values on the site dashboard [CIR-2769] Added a modal window with an option to update the whole MWS when starting firmware update on nodes [CIR-3055] Updated validation rules for fields available for filling out [CIR-3163, CIR-3248] Added ability to register, deregister and rename clients using context menu and group operations [CIR-3141, CIR-3346] Updated design of pagination elements [CIR-3288] Updated the design and position of the “Export” button on EventLog page [CIR-3287] Added blocked client icon in the filter and in the status column in the table with the list of clients [CIR-3242] New emoji added to Telegram notifications [CIR-3249] Fixed Increased the maximum time intervals for firmware update tasks, so that tasks should not terminate with an error due to exceeding the time limit [CIR-3334] Fixed issue with irrelevant client renaming notifications [CIR-3335] Fixed incorrect transitions of clients to the unregistered status [CIR-3336] Fixed sorting of the “Last updated” column [CIR-3190] Fixed behaviour of horizontal scroll bar in global search results drop-down list [CIR-2332] Reduced the maximum number of displayed items in tables to 100 for faster loading of tables [CIR-3370]
  20. 12/12/2023 New Added notifications in Telegram and events in the Event log about new SMS on the router [CIR-3148] Added filters to the "All events" tab in the Event log [CIR-3241] Changed the order of mandatory columns in the Event log table [CIR-3277] Updated design of pagination in the mobile version of the application [CIR-2265] Increased width of drop-down list in filters in the desktop version [CIR-3127] Refactored modal windows to improve usability in the mobile version [CIR-2963] Added an automatic error page reloading [CIR-2772] Added events about renaming hosts and disconnecting registered and unregistered hosts to the Event log [CIR-3207] Fixed Fixed scroll bar behaviour in tables in desktop version [CIR-3152] Fixed display and colour of pinned rows in tables [CIR-2686, CIR-2641] Fixed behaviour of item counter on page with zero value [CIR-3286] Fixed texts in empty dashboard states [CIR-2787] Fixed an issue with a blank screen when logging into the application [CIR-3284] Fixed notification in Telegram about extender changing status to "Connection failure" [CIR-3221]
  21. 17/10/2023 New Added ability to log and receive notifications of firmware update and router reboot events initiated outside the RMM [CIR-3076, CIR-3098] Added alphabetical order in filters [CIR-3182] Fixed Fixed texts in bot commands and Telegram notifications [CIR-3200, CIR-3196] Fixed hover behavior in sidebar menu of mobile version [CIR-2169]
  22. 21/09/2023 New Added ability to copy text from tables. [CIR-3115] Added logging for the following operations: primary and backup connection status change, network member addition and deletion, also a host connection to the network and changing its registration status. [CIR-3047] Improved display of events on the Event log page with text highlighting. [CIR-3149] Added a multiple choice filter type to the Dashboard page. [CIR-3056] Added sorting for networks and devices by last update time. [CIR-2598] Improved layout of notification texts in Telegram. [CIR-3096] Added tag name length constraint. [CIR-1473] Fixed Fixed incorrect display of events in Event log in case of network deletion. [CIR-3160] Increased the timeout for getting a seamless access link, and improved the OS update and reboot process for devices with unstable internet connection. [CIR-3122, CIR-3126] Fixed KeeneticOS component list handling that affects correctness of network information update. [CIR-3129] Fixed a malfunction when opening the Event Log page that occurred for some users. [CIR-3128] Fixed CPU not being displayed on some devices. [CIR-3088] Added icons to the list of routers to import in the mobile version. [CIR-3075] Fixed incorrect behavior of notifications in Telegram and events in Event log after adding a network. [CIR-3090, CIR-3161, CIR-3162] Fixed adding networks when the controller service tag is unknown. [CIR-3113] Fixed texts of events in Event log and notifications in Telegram. [CIR-3095, CIR-3097]
  23. 27/07/2023 New Improved the OS update process when it runs simultaneously on an MWS controller and on the same MWS members. [CIR-2896] EventLog page now shows events not only for network owners, but also for those who have access to the shared network [CIR-3054] Fixed Fixed display of pinned networks in search results [CIR-3049] Fixed pinned column behavior on Networks page [CIR-3069] Fixed duplication of 'Changing connection to Internet' operation in 'Operation' filter on EventLog page [CIR-3046]
  24. Dear customers! We are currently working on improving the user experience regarding working with networks and would like you to take part in a research about this topic. It will take no more than 3 minutes to complete. Link to the survey: Keenetic RMM Thank you in advance.
  25. Updates July 11, 2023 Improvements: Bugfix: notifications are not sent to shared members Bugfix: online host has no binding to device in some cases Bugfix: missing unregistered traffic on network Dashboard Bugfix: group operations are not appearing if there is pagination Bugfix: sorting of the name column on the Networks page Lots of improvements for the architecture and operation of the service's backend and frontend
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