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Everything posted by jumpcom

  1. Hello, I bought a Keenetic not too expensive in order to test the possibilities of the equipment. Now that I am completely satisfied with the features offered, is it possible to buy a model higher in the range, and transfer all my settings to it, so as not to start the configuration from scratch? In other words, transfer settings between two different models in range, in my situation : transfer from Keenetic Carrier to Titan or Hero. Thanks.
  2. Thank you @mrGhotius and @KYTECHNGAMING for your answers. Now i understand, my ignorance about 2.4 and 5GHz networks made me think otherwise. Thank you very much for this precision. Have a good day.
  3. Thanks for your answer, but this text is the one i read on keenetic website : Question: Is it possible to use the 2.4 GHz band rather than the 5 GHz band when using dual-band models as an Extender and Main Router for Mesh Wi-Fi connection? Answer: No. When using a dual-band model as an Extender (Carrier, Skipper, Speedster, Buddy 5/5S) when acquired in the Mesh Wi-Fi System, the wireless backhaul connection will only work in the 5 GHz band (this is currently a limitation of the Mesh Wi-Fi System design). If you want your Extender to work exclusively on the 2.4 GHz band, use a single-band router model. There is something i dont understand ? It seems we cant expand at the same time the two bands ?
  4. Hello I have a Carrier, it works very well. I want to expand the wifi signal in the 2 bands, 2.4 and 5. I have read somewhere it was only possible to expand 5ghz when we have a dual band router... so, how to expand the two bands of my carrier, what do i have to buy ? Thank you
  5. Thank you for your link, i will read it carefully. And i will add firewall rules. But a part of my question was : reading my configuration above, (without adding firewall rules, just with segmentation) do you think it's better secure than before (without Keenetic router) or it's the same "insecure" and "more complicated" because now i have 2 routers... ? Thanks.
  6. Hello, First thank you for this forum, i didn't find the presentation topic. Sorry. I bought a Keenetic Router in order to separate my Desktop and laptop from IOT and domotic home automation objects. First, i looked the product range from OMADA TP LINK... but it seems to me a little bit too complicated and expensive just to separate computers at home... I found KEENETIC, with its segmentation possibilities, and i decided to buy a little product, to see, to test... And now, my configuration, before and after : My French Internet Provider provide us an ADSL Modem Router who doesn't have the ability to work in Bridge mode... And i didn't want to open a DMZ or make double NAT, and other things like that... so, my configuration was like this : all devices were connected to the router, router in and all devices on the router or switch connected to it... everything in 192.168.1.xxx. With this configuration, i was afraid that my IOT devices can be a door to see and modify things in desktop or laptop... Now, with KEENETIC Router, i have 2 Routers, the router from my internet provider and the Keenetic Carrier router : My Provider ADSL Router with DHCP mode activated, gives the address to my Keenetic Router (A LAN Port of provider router connected to WAN port of Keenetic) I created Segments in the Keenetic, Home segment 192.168.2.xxx and IOT segment 192.168.3.xxx. (See attached image) IOT and domotics devices are connected to segment 192.168.3.xxx and my domotic server Home Assistant is connected to the Keenetic Ethernet Port 3 linked to the wifi IOT segment. (A precision : from outside, i have access to My domotic home assistant because i use Tailscale).. My Printers, desktop and laptop are connected to the Home Segment. Home segment is also linked to Keenetic Ethernet LAN port 1 and 2. Guest Wifi is not activated in its Segment and no association with any LAN port. (I hope you can understand, because i don't use the technical words... sorry). With this configuration, do i have a little bit more security, is it more difficult for someone who can connect to domotic objects to connect to my desktop or laptop ? or is it the same as before when i didn't have keenetic and only 192.168.1.xxx range ? When i connect a computer to Home segment Ethernet port, it can't Ping computer in IOT segment ethernet Port, and vice versa. So, i imagine there is a complementary security ? Is it really more difficult to make communications between 2 separated segments of Keenetic router, even the main ADSL router from my provider is still here, giving to Keenetic the address ? Because, all computers connected in all and any segment of Keenetic, can see the Provider router at the adress ... so... I don't know... maybe it's all for nothing ? Thank you
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