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  • Keenetic
    Sprinter (KN-3710) EU (3X)

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. just saw that in 4.3 beta 1 this in implemented in the gui,what is the expected date that 4.3 will be released to the main release?
  2. thank you for this info , to bad it cant be done in the web interface yet.
  3. Hello is it possible to put a lan port on a extender in a vlan. (i want to put my solaredge converter in the guest segment) cant find a way do it in the interface of the main router or the extender. kind regards
  4. it does get a ip now on the extender, but no internet connection
  5. hello used the aquire option in the interface of the main router, it looks like the clients dont get a ip from the ones in extender mode.
  6. Hello i'm trying to setup a guest wifi on my sprinter kn-3710 it does work on the main router but not on the second one in extender mode. any idea what i'm doing wrong did follow the online instruction kind regards
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