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  • Keenetic
    Keenetic Hopper DSL (KN-3610)

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Good morning everyone, I installed Keenetic Hopper DSL a few days ago (I have an FTTC fiber with Postemobile). I have about 40 devices connected, including smartphones, PCs, home automation. Everything is fine, but I have a problem with the Pixel 9 Pro XL, it connects to the wifi network, but the phone reports limited connectivity problems, and in fact it doesn't go online. I should point out that before the Keenetic I had Google Wifi Pro routers, and I didn't have any problems. Yesterday my brother also installed the Keenetic Hopper DSL, and he also has the exact same problem (he has the Pixel 9 Pro XL). What could it be? Do I need to make any changes to the router-side configuration? Can you help me? Thanks Stefano
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