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bash немного красок.

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ставим opkg install bash, далее создаём два файла touch /opt/etc/bash.bashrc и touch /opt/root/.bashrc с содержимым для bash.bashrc,

Скрытый текст
# File: /opt/etc/bash.bashrc

# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash shells.

# To enable the settings / commands in this file for login shells as well,
# this file has to be sourced in /opt/etc/profile.

  # set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
	if [ -z "$chroot" ] && [ -r /opt/etc/chroot ]; then
			chroot=$(cat /opt/etc/chroot)

# set a fancy prompt (non-color, overwrite the one in /opt/etc/profile)
	PS1='${chroot:+($chroot)}\w \$ '

	alias mc="mc -c"


а в .bashrc вставим

Скрытый текст
# File: ~/.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash for non-login shells.

  # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash

  # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
	if [ -x /opt/bin/dircolors ]; then
			test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
			alias ls='ls --color=auto'
			#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
			#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'

			alias grep='grep --color=auto'
			alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
			alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'

  # some more ls aliases
	alias ll='ls -alF'
	alias la='ls -A'
	alias l='ls -CF'

  # Alias definitions.
  # You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
  # ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.

	if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
			. ~/.bash_aliases


при желании можно сделать третий файл touch /opt/root/.bash_aliases для своих aliases или писать в /opt/root/.bashrc

вот и всё.

Скрытый текст



Edited by Meccep45
конф инфа была лишней
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из телеги https://t.me/entware


Скрытый текст

. /opt/etc/profile

# colors

blk="\033[1;30m"   # Black
red="\033[1;31m"   # Red
grn="\033[1;32m"   # Green
ylw="\033[1;33m"   # Yellow
blu="\033[1;34m"   # Blue
pur="\033[1;35m"   # Purple
cyn="\033[1;36m"   # Cyan
wht="\033[1;37m"   # White
clr="\033[0m"      # Reset

# Set the prompt.

sh_prompt() {
    PS1=${cyn}' \w '${grn}' \$ '${clr}


### opkg update
opkg update > /dev/null 2>&1

### deps: coreutils-df procps-ng-free procps-ng-uptime

### processor type
_CPU_TYPE="$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F: '/(model|system)/{print $2}' | head -1 | sed 's, ,,')"

if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
    CPU_TYPE="$_CPU_TYPE$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F: '/cpu model/{print $2}' | head -1)"

printf "\n"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${ylw} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${ylw}    %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Date:" "📆$(date)" \
    "Uptime:" "🕐 $(uptime -p)"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${blu} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${blu}  %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Hostname:" "$(hostname -f)" \
    "Accessed IP:" "$(hostname -i)"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${wht}   %-10s ${grn}    %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "OS:" "$(uname -s) 🐧" \
    "CPU:" "$CPU_TYPE"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Kernel:" "$(uname -r)" \
    "Architecture:" "$(uname -m)"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Disk:" "$(df -h | grep '/opt' | awk '{print $2" (size) / "$3" (used) / "$4" (free) / "$5" (used %) : 💾 "$6}')"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Memory:" "$(free -h --mega | awk '/Mem/{print $2" (всего) / "$3" (использовано) / "$4" (свободно)"}')"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${ctl}\n" \
    "Swap:" "$(free -h --mega | awk '/Swap/{print $2" (total) / "$3" (used) / "$4" (free)"}')"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "LA:" "$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1" (1m) / "$2" (5m) / "$3" (15m)"}')"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${red} %-30s ${wht}\n" \
    "User:" "🤵 $(echo $USER)"
if [ -f "/opt/etc/entware_release" ]; then
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${crl}\n" \
        "Dist:" "$(grep ^PRETTY /opt/etc/entware_release | cut -d'"' -f2)"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${crl}\n" \
        "Dist:" "Entware"
printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${cyn} %-30s ${wht}     %-10s ${cyn} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
    "Installed:" "📦📦 $(opkg list-installed | wc -l)" \
    "Upgrade:" "📦 $(opkg list-upgradable | wc -l)"
printf "\n"


установить пакеты: `opkg install coreutils-df procps-ng-free procps-ng-uptime`

править по вкусу (удалить, добавить, изменить вывод)

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