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Ahmed Ensar

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  • Keenetic
    Titan, Omni DSL , 3xLite

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Community Answers

  1. Google Translate: Hello, I will add a keenetic titan device to my mesh network consisting of omni dsl and 3 lite devices. Since there is no titan DSL port, I have to give it internet with a dsl modem, but if I use the omni dsl device for this, it will not be added to the mesh network and will work on its own. If you add a feature with an update, if the modem in the mesh network is connected to dsl, we can use that internet with pppoe switching via the controller device, and get an IP with pppoe username and password. I don't want a single device to be scrap.
  2. İnternet kontrol modülünü silmeni tavsiye ediyorum insanı sitrese sokmaktan routerı bozmaktan başka bi işe yaradığını görmedim.
  3. Sıfırlama butonu basılınca ayarların üzerine yazmayı yazılımsal olarak devre dışı bırakabilirlerse çok güzel olur. Çeşitli durumlarda sıfırlama gerekince sıfırlama butonuna basılı tuttuktan sonra router only port 1 deki cihazdan manuel formatlama modu vb. bir özelliği açmak tarzında birşeyde eklenebilir. Böylece her önüne gelen iğne ile reset düğmesiyle uğraşınca amacına ulaşamaz.
  4. Google Translate: I lost my connection with the mesh devices after I did the update.
  5. "mws reboot" var zaten düğmesini eklemeleri zor olmaz sanırım. 🙂
  6. Google Translate: I need this feature more and more, the modem CPU cannot stand it, it locks itself, I have to unplug it and plug it in to fix it. @admin
  7. https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers 👍
  8. Google Translate: With the alpha 2 update, the ipv6 route came back, but ipv6 was not like this before, I think there is a problem with the settings. Websites load slowly. and my ipv6 address is different on sites.
  9. screenshots are already taken from running-config
  10. Google Translate: IPv6 prefix and address are defined but route is not defined. Do you have a similar situation ?
  11. but
  12. Google Translate: I did it with opkg but I would appreciate if you add it to the interface anyway.
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