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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. New RSSI signal meter window cause loop when click Dahsboard. When you click on the homepage in the new feature, it comes back to 3G/4G connections menu. https://streamable.com/coxx4l
  2. Another bug appears with 3.7.14 New RSSI signal meter windows cause loop when click Dahsboard. https://streamable.com/coxx4l
  3. I wanted to let you know. Core::Webhelp::EventRelay: expected JSON object.
  4. Access point/repeaters in mesh system connection speeds are not visible. I guess 3.7.11 was same. Ex.1 : Ex.2 :
  5. Thank you so much for detailed information. I also use domain. I will add firewall rule. Issue that same as ssh login attack attemp or try login attempt many times. result access denied for 15 minutes.
  6. Torrent engine is working without issue. But remote transmission get error.
  7. I noticed that the problem was caused by something else. This device was previously defined as a static IP. I remember removing this rule during the changes on the DHCP server. There is no pin in the device list anyway. But static IP was selected and it encountered an error in the DHCP pool. When I fixed this place, the save action improved.
  8. Changins can not be saved in settings. Save button is unclickable. Keenetic OS 3.7.A.6
  9. I have totally six different connection. 1- Main ISP 2- SFP Test 3- DSL Bridge 4- WISP 2.4Ghz 5- WISP 5GHZ 6- 3G Dongle Today, I delete SFP test and DSL Bridge. Totally 4 connections are available. I find bug in 3G/4G settings. Let me show in video; 3g4gbug (2).mp4
  10. it is known. 3.7 is on testing channel now. Wait next release. DSL drivers will be updated.
  11. Issue is fixed on 3.7 Alpha 4. Thanks.
  12. I mean this " Only can see logs of registrations and requests for updates on our servers. "
  13. I can access my router other ddns service like duckdns yesterday. But today, could not access these too...
  14. Just A3. I can access on 3.5.6 or 3.6.2 too.
  15. Try ping xxx.keenetic.pro Get response ndns.....ndm9.xyz / 80-100 ms
  16. Tried on my other keendns which OS 3.5.6 is working without issue.
  17. KeenDns site can't be reached in 3.7.A.3 both my private (xxx.keenetic.pro) or default (xxxx.keenetic.io) Empty response except home network. DDNS (duckdns) is working with no issue. I can reach my GUİ.
  18. I think Keenetic test stability of fixed SNR for Turkey. They need a lot of fixed values. Many of us change SNR values twice in day or more.
  19. Programmer also access your router without these. Service tag is more important than this. And type Keenetic Web in google search. You can find some IP related keenetic Devices. Like this: or like these
  20. self-test does not include private data.
  21. Forum has both Russian and English language. I hope Turkish will be soon! @Ahmed Ensar @Jarvisit
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