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Leo K

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Everything posted by Leo K

  1. Leo K


    Okay, roll out support on ur mighty ARM devices)
  2. Leo K


  3. This is a matter of taste, throw this feedback to trashcan, but this "Internet safety" menu entry looks too consumer for a tech enthusiast device. "DNS" or "name resolution" looks way more correct to me. It took me years to get used to "Internet safety" instead of "DNS settings". That's what I'm looking for, when I want to navigate to name resolution settings.
  4. Ah now i get it) Filter "<filter>" is enabled would make it clear that we're using a filter
  5. Public DNS resolvers ARE enabled
  6. Leo K

    [nag] ipv6

    Love your products for great support and insane perfectionism in firmware design. So again: Ipv6 should be implemented in Wireguard. And elsewhere! Even $30 routers have ipv6 support and why kernetic team hates it?
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