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  • Keenetic

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  1. I know about it. And nothing changes in switch setting when I found solution.
  2. Yes, both router and extender connected to managed PoE switch. Actually router and extenders was in one separate vlan. Nobody except them in this vlan
  3. I find solution! For all, whos come after me. Make this network connection router (white) - network - (blue) extender Pay attention for colors of rj45 socket! if you connect "router (blue) - network - (blue) extender" - pairing will work only once. EVEN if you set ISP on white port and common network on blue. EVEN if no ISP at all. EVEN if WIFI ISP. Remember, only white port! After this changes all extenders are able to re-pair.
  4. No, resetting main controller to factory setting does not helps. (and magically add some new bugs, but not related to this case). How i can contact tech support? I cannot find any channels except this
  5. Again. After change main ip address of router extenders NO MORE works. They have status offline in "wifi system page". I can plug, unplug, power off and on them .. nothing helps. I do this (because its look very logical and "did you turn it off and on again?") before I unlink them from main router and start trying to hard-reset and accure back them. BUT! Even then i unlink them and hard-reset, they does NOT able to accure. And this is very strange problem from my point of view
  6. Ok, now I spend two hours to prove that voyager cannot work as extender more than once. For first step I prove that my network works. I grab old keenetic extra, reset it, switch to extender and connect to the same network with voyagers. All ok - almost immediately I got "accure" button. What i try: - Connect voyager by poe or external power. - Connect by "blue" rj-45 and "white" - Reset multiple times in all situations above. With connected network/power and without. - Connect rj-45 multiple times with reset, after powerup, before powerup. - i even try to push wifi button on extender and router at same time No luck. No any sign of voyager as extender. may be light sequence helps? amber - (press and hold reset) - 8 sec - green flash fast (for 2-3 sec) - (release reset) - amber for 8-9 sec - switch to green - another 8 sec- green flash slowly - green - amber
  7. yes, i know, it sounds crazy, but it really looks like this steps to reproduce: 1. Buy 4-pack of voyager pro. 2. take one as main router, configure it, etc. 3. take another one from the box. turn switch to B, connect to network, see button "accure" in web-interface of main switch. till this step all ok. BAD step - 4. change ip address of main router (this is easiest step to reproduce bug) oops, all extenders are gone. is looks ok for this step, but ... now you are in stuck. you lost all extenders as extender. now - forever. what i try: - reset extenders by pressing reset button. indicator blinking for some seconds, and return to amber. after some time devices are switches to "dumb access point". Whey are visible in wifi, i can connect to them (by password on back) and get access to network by main router. but i cannot access to dashboard of "damaged switch" and sure, no any sign in "Mesh Wi-Fi System" page - turn switch to position A. they are start working as usual router, I can access them, configure, etc. I can even ask "reset to factory state" - all ok, they refreshed, I got initial startup wizard, etc... No extender mode, only router. For extender mode - turn switch - return switch to position B - still no luck. no any sign of device. you can reset it again by button or repeat reset to factory from router mode - it does not matter. amber light and all Now I has 7 "routers" and no extenders OS 4.0.7
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