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Everything posted by fatihso

  1. I have Keenetic Omni dsl and just bought Hopper Dsl. These two Keenetic connect VDSL2 at 88Mbit (8 SNR) on a healthy line. While they have the same xdsl chipset, Hopper tends to sync a bit lower compared to Omni. In comparison to those, I have also two Zyxel modem routers with Broadcom chipset they always sync the same line at 99Mbit (8 SNR) which is the limit for profile17a. There is sadly a factor of VDSL2 CPE chipset to be "more" compatible with the whatever the FTTC cabinet is running. That's is the case in my country. I'm adding the screenshot from Hopper DSL. I'm going to add one from Zyxel later on. https://ibb.co/0MppXGZ And the Zyxel below. 100MBit sync. https://ibb.co/QYbNrf0 I do expect Keenetic engineers to look into this and try to figure out how does Broadcom can sync exceptionally better than Econet and try to improve it. Bcs this behavior is widespread in my country and valid for many VDSL2 users.
  2. Just dropping by to say that this is entirely false. In my country, due to ISP equipment, broadcom chipsets always deliver the highest speeds and signal rates compared any other chipset, modern or not. If you are not using a broadcom chipset based customer device, you are basically hindering yourself here for xdsl services.
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