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bigpu last won the day on October 2 2024

bigpu had the most liked content!


  • Keenetic
    KN-1910, KN-2010

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Honored Flooder

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Community Answers

  1. https://forum.keenetic.com/forum/9-развитие/
  2. Повторюсь, подобного вы ждать будете дольше, чем разбираться с OPKG. Создавайте тему в развитии, убедитесь сами)
  3. вам надо, значит вам и разбираться - или самостоятельно или чужими руками. да потому что за подобные проекты писать уже нельзя толком, а вы хотите увидеть это в прошивке.
  4. отдельного пакета в прошивке вы точно ждать будете дольше, чем разбираться с OPKG))
  5. this was due to the CPU load at 100%, and then to the fact that tessu clogged all the RAM Here is the branch that I created, the dude there unsubscribed that he created a ticket to technical support, so we will wait for the solution of the problem. Thank you for your case!
  6. This is when you enter the router interface, and there is only a blue side menu and an empty white background, without icons, words, etc. I have it turned on. But I seem to have read that ntce is completely disabled by removing the component
  7. I have this problem with one download The first thing I thought about was ntce. Since the problem with the white interface of the router began to arise again, as it was before, although, it seems, this problem has already been solved. I will also create a case in the branch. Have you tried disabling the ntce service, is the problem going away?
  8. Yes, it is installed. I wrote for the problem in the Russian branch of the forum. I see they haven't answered you here yet. Maybe they will pay attention to the problem faster there.
  9. A similar problem, the same software version - 3.7.3 and Keenetic DSL - CPU usage is under 100%, the web interface does not open at the time of downloading the torrent. The Transmission remote interface barely updates data, with a huge delay, freezes.
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