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Ahmed Ensar

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Everything posted by Ahmed Ensar

  1. Google Translate: wargaming client profile can you separate the parts used for game and the parts used for download. When downloading a game from the client, it perceives this download as a game and gives priority, and the internet access of the devices connected to the router is interrupted. I would appreciate it if you separate the download server on the client as download priority. id-num: 787 short: wargaming-net long: Wargaming-net group-id: 2050
  2. Google Translate: Hello. I added the kn1811 model to my keenetic mesh system and since my current infrastructure is DSL, I have to use a modem. But I have to keep the kn1811 model in another room, not in the room where the modem is. I don't have the chance to extend the DSL cable. And I also want to use my existing keenetic devices in the mesh system. I have shown this feature I want in the picture below. In other words, if a modem-supported keenetic device added to the mesh system has a DSL connected, I want you to add a pppoe pass-through feature between that device and the controller. This scenario can be done by removing the modem device from the mesh network, but then both a keenetic device will be disabled and. All my other devices are connected via that device. In other words, I cannot make any changes in the picture below.
  3. İnternet kontrol modülünü silmeni tavsiye ediyorum insanı sitrese sokmaktan routerı bozmaktan başka bi işe yaradığını görmedim.
  4. Sıfırlama butonu basılınca ayarların üzerine yazmayı yazılımsal olarak devre dışı bırakabilirlerse çok güzel olur. Çeşitli durumlarda sıfırlama gerekince sıfırlama butonuna basılı tuttuktan sonra router only port 1 deki cihazdan manuel formatlama modu vb. bir özelliği açmak tarzında birşeyde eklenebilir. Böylece her önüne gelen iğne ile reset düğmesiyle uğraşınca amacına ulaşamaz.
  5. Google Translate: I lost my connection with the mesh devices after I did the update.
  6. "mws reboot" var zaten düğmesini eklemeleri zor olmaz sanırım. 🙂
  7. Google Translate: I need this feature more and more, the modem CPU cannot stand it, it locks itself, I have to unplug it and plug it in to fix it. @admin
  8. https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers 👍
  9. Google Translate: With the alpha 2 update, the ipv6 route came back, but ipv6 was not like this before, I think there is a problem with the settings. Websites load slowly. and my ipv6 address is different on sites.
  10. screenshots are already taken from running-config
  11. Google Translate: IPv6 prefix and address are defined but route is not defined. Do you have a similar situation ?
  12. but
  13. Google Translate: I did it with opkg but I would appreciate if you add it to the interface anyway.
  14. Google Translate: Since my computer case was making a lot of noise, I took it under the table and left a few materials on it, so I have difficulty accessing the on-off button on the case. The modem is standing right in front of me. When I press the wifi button on the modem, I want my computer to be turned on via wol. Can you add wol feature to wifi button options?
  15. Google Translate: Could you add an option to turn off showing messages for local ip? It's making a lot of spam log messages.
  16. Google Translate: I saw while browsing the device files, are these certificates private key or public key?
  17. https://api.adguard-dns.io/static/swagger/openapi.json
  18. Malesef bu dmt güncellemeleri herkezi memnun etmeyecek çünki o kadar değişik dslam lar varki standartları destekleseler bile ayarları düzgün olmuyor. Bileşenlerden dmt sürüm seçme özelliği gelene kadar bu tür konuları görmeye devam edeceğiz.
  19. mahmut, bende de buna benzer sorun olmuştu önceleri. upbo-kl0 dmt olduğu fw isteyip deneyebilirsin belki ondandır. Bende var fakat eski sürüm olduğu için cli açılmayabilir.
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