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  • Keenetic
    KN-1012, KN-1811, KN-3911, KN-3510, KN-3610, KN-1011

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  1. upnp lan BridgeX upnp lan Bridge1 guest segment default
  2. service ssh system configuration save
  3. since 4.2.1 You can now assign Network ports on Extender devices to any configured network segment using the Command Line Interface (CLI). Alternatively, you may wish to disable the Network ports for security reasons. [NDM-3162] mws member {member} port {port} [no] access {interface} — assign {port} on a {member} node to access an {interface} segment; mws member {member} port {port} [no] disable — disable {port} on a {member} node.
  4. no ip nat Bridge0 no ip nat BridgeX ip static Bridge0 ISP ip static BridgeX ISP
  5. fix in CLI interface mac address factory wan after updates and apply system save configuration
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