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Everything posted by Anna_

  1. @YevhenK good afternoon! I can't replicate the problem. Could you please tell me if there are any other specific setting conditions, maybe screen scale?
  2. @ru.celebi, we'll fix the alignments and explanation text in the next version. But why do you need the word 'Keenetic' in the title?
  3. Many thanks for the feedback! Can you please tell why you think it is incorrect?
  4. @eyyometo, hello! I'm not really sure what the problem is. Could you please help me figure it out? You have enabled Wi-Fi on your device. Clients cannot connect because of the wrong password. Is that correct?
  5. @serkangercek, please contact technical support with this question. Here are discussed questions about the web-interface. All the best!
  6. @Apra, hello! Could you tell me more about what exactly you want to see? What problem are you trying to solve?
  7. @KYTECHNGAMING, I guess I didn't really understand your question! Could you rephrase it or write it in more detail?
  8. @KYTECHNGAMING, good day! This text link appears when there are updates to the Wi-Fi system and leads to the Mesh Wi-Fi System page for possible installation.
  9. @PriSonerS61, good day! We have not planned to implement the transition to the Command line page in the mobile version. For the other items we are in the process of fixing)
  10. @PriSonerS61, thank you very much for the explanation! We will think about the possibility of realisation this kind of output in the future too)
  11. Hello, I don't really understand what graphs are needed. Could you please explain in more detail?
  12. @FireKzH, hello, we plan to add this in the future.
  13. @PriSonerS61, thanks for the ideas, will definitely review them!
  14. @KYTECHNGAMING, we'll think about alternative design, thank you very much!
  15. @KYTECHNGAMING, thank you for your comments, we will try to take them into account in future implementations.
  16. Hello, @KYTECHNGAMING! Could you please tell me why it may be necessary to reboot all mws nodes?
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