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Everything posted by mustafa

  1. I looked to see if the OpenWrt software or any modem supports DoQ and I saw something like this. "QUIC is a horribly complex protocol to implement, requiring rather large libraries and forced cryptography to deal with it, making it unsuitable as default choice for weak devices." I looked at Adguard, NextDNS, Cloudflare and Quad9, which provide DNS services, and they provide the DoQ service through their own applications. I think providing support via modem is a bit problematic.
  2. Is there any information? -Will it be developed? -Won't it be developed? -If it is under development, when is the estimate for completion?
  3. The DNS I set for ISP is leaking when using Wireguard. My settings are like this: (HOPPER DSL)(firmware v4.0.5)
  4. "İstemci listesi"nden ip numarası değiştirmek istediğin cihazı(ları) bulup kayıt ettikten sonra "Kuralları birleştir" kısmından ip numarası değiştirmek istediğin cihazı(ları) oluşturduğun "Aruba VPN" içine taşıdın mı?
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