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Everything posted by Padavan

  1. PriSonerS61 , KYTECHNGAMIN Thanks for your feedback, only MT7615D-based devices was affected, bug already fixed, update is coming soon.
  2. Предварительный анализ показал, что зацепило только устройства на базе MT7615D (с DBDC), проблему пофиксили, выражаю благодарность за оперативный feedback.
  3. M_Mikhail We understand you opinion. Thanks. I think we can offer you a solution.
  4. M_Mikhail Since 3.09, any Keenetic device use workaround for Full Duplex peer w/o AN mode: Conditions: - Keenetic side: port in AN mode - Peer side: port in 10 or 100 w/o AN mode Keenetic side will try second link-up in FD mode (see syslog). We assume that no longer exists real devices with 10 or 100 Mbps Half Duplex w/o AN. This workaround usually need for ISP. If you have such devices, you can set Half Duplex mode w/o AN to desired Keenetic port.
  5. All these devices configured as 10HD w/o AN? Why 10Mbps Half Duplex w/o Auto Negotiation?
  6. M_Mikhail Please show syslog after cable plug - from 3.08 and from 3.09.
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