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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. I reverted to KeeneticOS 4.1.7. I was able to update LTE FW manually.
  2. It showed its own update on the interface for A16 and I installed it. I want to go back to A14 manually or upgrade to A20. Even if I select the file with .bin extension, it doesn't do anything.
  3. Hello, DfsEnable=1 DfsZeroWait=0 DfsZeroWaitCacTime=255 DfsDedicatedZeroWait=2 I saw these values as default in self-test. I am using KN-1011. (Same thing with KN-1811 & KN-3411.) So will the ZW-DFS switch be added to the interface? I don't think there would be any advantage in closing it. I just asked because I was curious. By the way, does the value "0" in the config mean that it is on?
  4. Mesh via 5ghz but expand coverago for both 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz.
  5. Kullanıcı adı ve şifrenizden emin misiniz? DNS ayarlarınız nedir? Internet görünmüyor hattınızda şu anda.
  6. You can change Keenetic main IP block in Home segment. And also I known, if you connect Keenetic to another router which is same IP block, Keenetic is change DHCP itself. (I encountered it 3-4 times while installing it for my customers. Because they connected Keenetic to a router with, which is also They said we cannot enter the interface. I saw the IP was https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000512800-Changing-IP-and-DHCP-settings-in-the-Home-segment
  7. Hangi mod ile kullanıyorsun? Otomatik ile sorun yaşamaman lazım. Ayrıca servis sağlayıcı Turknet mi?
  8. Hello, We have the Keenetic Mesh system. My Mesh has 28 devices. Many Keenetic are in different and special areas. Some are in the common area. There may be cases of unconsciously using the reset button on the devices in the private area. Therefore, when the repeaters are under the control of a master controller; Wouldn't it be great if when the user performs this action, the system administrator is notified and asked for confirmation? Can a confirmation mechanism or optional reset button in the repeater be disabled before the reset command? Software blocking...
  9. I'm not sure if it's related to your question, but I wanted to remind you of something. Are MSTP / RSTP / STP protocols active on the managed switch? https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016127780-Keenetic-Mesh-Wi-Fi-System-frequently-asked-questions-
  10. 1- 2- http://forums.zyxmon.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5371
  11. Opps! The same situation exists in Hero 4G.
  12. A friend using iOS and KN-2510 stated that airtime fairness is visible. Both in the stable application version and beta flight
  13. The ethernet connection (wan) cannot be deleted in the KN-2910 model. KeeneticOS 4.0.5 https://gemoo.com/tools/upload-video/share/581278592909447168?codeId=Pa1gAgYp5rXwm&card=581278588975190016 self-test has been added confidentially.
  14. Airtime fairness feature is missing in 2.4ghz settings on some models. It is a screenshot from multiple devices. Beta mobile application is used. KN-3610, KN-1010- KN-3710- KN-1011 KN-3810 KN-2410 KN-2510 KeeneticOS 4.0.5 or 4.1.a.16 Keenetic APP 48 (200) Android @Alex Sh.
  15. Yes, issue for beta
  16. In the network where I am appointed as an administrator; I can resign myself. I may not want to see the network. There is no way for me to delete the network. Even though I told the owner of the network to "delete me from here", I hated receiving his messages for 15 days. I would like the application to have a feature such as allowing the administrator to delete the network or to archive/mute the network in such cases. If manager assigned; owner delete him/her or remove network of course If I act like manager, I cannot do something
  17. Yep. Waiting waiting not loading.
  18. Same issue for KN-2410. Except KN-1011, 80mhz is ok. @eralde I wanted to mention you for this big button problem in the screenshot.
  19. Hello, In the part I screenshotted, I occasionally get a "warning that there is an update" is coming out. But my whole mesh system is already using the latest KeeneticOS. That's why I asked about the situation. I wondered if it was indicating a different update for the mesh or a status update in the backhaul. My other thought is; I observed this warning a few hours after the arrival of 4.1.a.5 and the next day. Maybe the sign that my Keenetic is up to date in communication with the servers is synchronizing late. I don't know.
  20. Hi Anna, I'm already using the latest version of the update channel. No software updates are available.
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