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Everything posted by PriSonerS61

  1. When I change the language, there is a problem with segment names. @eralde https://streamable.com/xr272x
  2. The same error is also present on the device list page. @eralde https://streamable.com/w62cvk
  3. An error occurred during transitions. (Save Button) But there are no changes. Everything is clear in the video. https://streamable.com/2z2cb4
  4. Hi @eralde I don't know if this problem is related to 3.7 beta 6, but I'm just noticing it. The release notes are not where they should be, they are hidden or there is an error. https://ibb.co/VVtnwZx When the interface changes its language, it appears momentarily and disappears again https://ibb.co/Wy1V28G Actually, there's something there, but it's invisible https://ibb.co/Q9KNjLT
  5. Hi @eralde. Can the interface have a feature that shows the use at the desired point, such as in rmm? I think that would be nice. https://prnt.sc/1z67he2 https://prnt.sc/1z67kkd
  6. Hello, how would it be if such a feature came to the interface? All permissions of the user can be disabled with a single click.
  7. Hi @eralde. The added device does not have a delete key in the mobile view of the traffic monitor page. Desktop View https://ibb.co/hFyM2Gc Mobile View https://ibb.co/bBkwrWg
  8. We reported this translation problem 1 year ago, but it has still not been fixed. Turkish English is included in the dynamic dns status. Can you fix it @eralde https://www.hizliresim.com/7chrzzi https://www.hizliresim.com/2boveom
  9. Hello, proton vpn using the ikev2 protocol is not located on the internet tab of the application. There are all the others. I think the error is.
  10. Hı @eralde This design issue has not been resolved in 3.7 beta 4. The page structure is still broken...
  11. I have keenetic giga. I'm on KeeneticOS 3.7 beta 3 right now. And everything seems fine.
  12. The solution to the problem will not catch up at 3.7. it will be fixed together with version 3.8 alpha. That's when they asked me to take a test and make a comeback.
  13. Keenetic.tr he was able to test the problem. To be a problem is confirmed. They're working on a solution right now. They'll get back to me, I'm waiting for them.
  14. Now the same problem has happened again. Although the information is correct, it still does not connect. Everything I tried didn't work out. I need to restart the Keenetic giga, to reconnect...
  15. I also tried it with the wisp connection. I also tried it with different ip, I couldn't connect, although my settings were correct. Then I restarted keenetic giga and proton vpn was connected with the same settings... ticket number #561080 The necessary self-tests are available in this support register.
  16. Hello,I have installed a proton vpn on keneetic giga. I was driving smoothly. I don't know what's going on, after a while the proton vpn doesn't connect, although the information is correct. I deleted and reconfigured the vpn, but there is no solution. 2. it's happened once. After restarting the modem for the first time, a vpn was connected with the same information. If I restart the modem now, it will connect again. But what I don't understand is why the vpn doesn't connect even though the information is correct at the moment? (i added a secret self-test, for you to look at the logs)
  17. @eralde https://streamable.com/6l9wp2
  18. @eralde Screenrecorder-2021-10-06-01-49-15-426.mp4
  19. Hello. All offline devices on the device list page have a wired connection type. This must be a mistake there. @eralde example
  20. What is this space in the menu? error? @eralde
  21. rmm.keenetic and keenetic.cloud There seems to be no problem with rmm.
  22. why did keenetic giga become like this? I've been using keenetic extra dsl before, I've had no problems.
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