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Everything posted by PriSonerS61

  1. There is no Turkish language name on the button used to scan the surrounding networks. No problem in English. @eralde https://ibb.co/XVZYPC7 https://ibb.co/Nrnpbrx Same error here https://ibb.co/23Vh5Vx https://ibb.co/LPTXdGq
  2. True, I thought simpler. I hadn't thought about the memory side. Actually, the detail on the page is enough. I just thought that maybe if the icon could come, it would look better at first glance.
  3. This page is very simple. Maybe it would be nice to visualize / embellish a bit. For example icons can be added... @eralde
  4. The error logs continue. This is how breakouts appear in the cpu & ram graph in Rmm. https://ibb.co/cw7WJJC Is it known what is causing the log? @Julia Rybakova
  5. There is a bug log that appeared in 3.8 beta 2 and continues in version 3.8.0. The error log is : Io::TcpSocket: failed to connect: operation in progress. Cloud::Tunnel: "NDMP/9b1xxxxx": failed to connect to (RAW): operation timeout. As far as I can see, me and a few other people have this error log. Support registration opened on the subject #588017
  6. Hello everyone. Some time ago Adguard offered a "free" alternative like nextdns that "has its own customizable interface". Anyone can use it now, it's in open beta. I think it will have many users as it is a free alternative to NextDns. It would be great if Keenetic brought this new adguard dns as a component. ⬆️ https://adguard-dns.io/en/welcome.html
  7. The problem has been fixed in v32(117). Thanks. https://ibb.co/0MmK9W3
  8. Thanks. I thought it was the same person I'm glad you saw my posts there. If I had known that you were not the same person, I would have continued to write here
  9. Hello, I wanted to update the topic. We were in contact with you via telegram. Currently the mobile app version is v32(116) and the problem persists.
  10. Is it active in me: D Because I see it in me. https://prnt.sc/26wf1z6 https://prnt.sc/26wf2j7 https://prnt.sc/26wf2yv
  11. Hi, I've reviewed the reports and line values. First of all, I should point out that your download line attenuation is too much. Depending on this weakening, your line constantly gave crc / fec error. Interestingly, while your upload attenuation is low, your upload attenuation increases to 25 db after internet commuting. Here it could mean that your line is physically in trouble. Instead of dealing with the modem, this physical problem should be detected and fixed. How confident are you in the health of the indoor wiring? I think the first thing to do is this: You must follow the line by connecting the modem to the box at the entrance of the building. According to the result here, there are 2 possibilities: 1) Indoor plumbing may be problematic -> If the problem is internal plumbing, you should get help from an electrician and have a new cable pulled. 2) If the problem is not the interior installation, then your job is a little more difficult. Then you should contact your internet service provider and ask them to check the area under their responsibility.
  12. If "fixed channel" is used on Keenetic and "channel of wisp source is different" "channel on keenetic is different", keenetic cannot get ip from wisp source. The problem was reported to keenetic with ticket #575618. Video and necessary files are available there.
  13. Such errors occur if the width of the port forwarding page is less than 768px https://ibb.co/yVzFHD8 https://ibb.co/mvYzcZK @eralde
  14. It has been said by Keenetic that the problem will be solved. #567558
  15. Then the source of the problem is not where I think it is. The problem is related to the mobile application. I hope @Alex Sh. will fix it for the next version
  16. Segment names are displayed in English in the Keenetic application. (Turkish should appear) https://ibb.co/ChVh8dY I think the reason why there is an error in this way is that the descriptions of the home network and the guest network are written in English. https://ibb.co/VQb3jLM https://ibb.co/mbYF2WB @Alex Sh. @eralde
  17. "Cloud-based Content Filtering and Ad Blocking" Error log is printed in system log and chrome developer console because component is not installed. https://ibb.co/4PPXR0K İnternet security page, chrome developer console https://ibb.co/kQ4f6rS System log https://ibb.co/LRdJZxm I think it's about you @eralde
      • 2
      • Thanks
  18. I am using tplink td-w9970v3 (bridge) + keenetic giga (kn1010). Ntce/Qos works fine for the download side, but not for the upload. And when I upload it, the ping rises to +500 +1000ms. I forwarded this to keenetic and they briefly said: "Ntce/qos cannot give the desired result because there is another device in front of Keenetic. They asked me to limit the upload speed" Request #571581 Is there anything else I can do?
  19. I'm not sure if it was a mistake or it was put on purpose, but there is 1 button missing in the mobile view. I showed it in the picture. @eralde Mobile https://ibb.co/GVm5gYj Desktop https://ibb.co/L0LwbG6
  20. In sstp vpn, it writes bridge0 instead of the home segment https://ibb.co/71XMKcn @eralde
  21. Hi, is there a special reason why the features in the browser plugin (crc / fec, dark theme, rssi) are not added directly to the software? As far as I know there is a lot of demand for the dark theme, the dark theme exists in the browser plugin, but a lot of users are 3. the party does not want to use software @eralde
  22. @eralde https://streamable.com/cu5k3o
  23. @eralde My device variant has been changed from "EU" to "TR". After the translation, the notes section started to appear. #567722 https://prnt.sc/21wapud
  24. Hello, there is a bug with WISP and wifi channel. Here is the problem: Connect Keenetic to WISP. The wifi channel will change as it should. Then disable the WISP connection on the modem. The modem continues to distribute wifi over the WISP wifi channel. And the part on the homepage shows the channel correctly. However, on the home network page, the wifi channel shows incorrectly. @Le ecureuil @eralde https://prnt.sc/20xobxt https://prnt.sc/20xoc3o https://prnt.sc/20xoc6f
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