The following settings are redundant for this mode:
ipv6 subnet Default
bind Home
number 0
mode slaac
You need to disable ipv6 subnet to get rid of RA.
no ipv6 subnet Default
BTW, how did you get such a configuration?
At the moment we are testing our implementation of ds-lite. At the same time, 4in6 tunnels will be ready. Then, not far from the implementation of map-e...
New chipsets (not MT7621, MT7628) support hardware acceleration, but it's too early for us to talk about their work.
However, we have a fairly good software acceleration module...
Both MAP-E, 4in6 are on our TODO list right after MAP-T. It seems that statically configurable 4v6 is faster to implement than MAP-E.
By the way, we have implemented map-t (Sky 1:16), but so far only in pre-alpha versions.
Checkbox "Use IPv6" provides the following commands:
ipv6 address auto
ipv6 prefix auto
ipv6 name-servers auto
This simplification of the user interface leads to the disadvantage you are facing.
We will try to avoid this in the new version, but it will take for a while 😕