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Everything posted by sergeyk

  1. See Internal service traffic article, section 6 (Internet connection status monitoring).
  2. Now the firmware has no tools to get HLog values, and the dsl_stats file has incomplete BPT (bits per tone) table only. We plan to implement it and I will notify you when it become available.
  3. For the test, you may also try to place the device horizontally.
  4. It seems a mode switch button is broken. Try to manually switch it between A and B positions several times, then wait for next reboots. If this will not help to avoid unpredictable restarts, a sample should be replaced.
  5. Did you test all ports with the same wired client?
  6. Please try 3.7 Beta 3 first from the Preview update channel.
  7. The (common) media library database must be accessible to the DLNA server to work.
  8. You should remove the member, not a candidate. (config)> no mws member {mac | cid}
  9. After the factory reset of a MWS member you should remove it from a member list on the controller to reacquire.
  10. Please referer to this and this articles for example.
  11. Save a self-test when the problem reproduces.
  12. Please attach a ticket number then.
  13. No, it is need to determine a component set and a configuration.
  14. Please attach here a self-test file in a hidden post after the device reboot.
  15. Please try this utility version. KN-2111-Recovery-En.zip
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