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NTCE applications prioritization setting



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Can you add an option to change the priorities in the ntce application list? This feature, for example, I'm downloading games from epic, but when downloading, it happens in epic game prioritization and therefore causes delays. It is a very challenging method to enter the game every time and increase the game priority and fix it again when the download is finished. + it would also be nice if you could add an option to add links that are not in this list. 🙂

{ "application": [ { "id-num": 0, "short": "uncategorized", "long": "Uncategorized", "group-id": 0, "group-long": "Uncategorized", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1, "short": "facebook", "long": "Facebook", "group-id": 2065, "group-long": "Social", "groupset-id": 4, "groupset-short-id": "surfing", "groupset-long-id": "Web surfing" }, { "id-num": 2, "short": "magicjack", "long": "magicJack", "group-id": 2054, "group-long": "Voice over IP", "groupset-id": 0, "groupset-short-id": "calling", "groupset-long-id": "Calling and conferencing" }, { "id-num": 3, "short": "itunes", "long": "iTunes", "group-id": 2056, "group-long": "Streaming", "groupset-id": 2, "groupset-short-id": "streaming", "groupset-long-id": "Video & Audio streaming" }, { "id-num": 4, "short": "myspace", "long": "MySpace", "group-id": 2065, "group-long": "Social", "groupset-id": 4, "groupset-short-id": "surfing", "groupset-long-id": "Web surfing" }, { "id-num": 5, 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2050, "group-long": "Gaming", "groupset-id": 1, "groupset-short-id": "gaming", "groupset-long-id": "Gaming" }, { "id-num": 1048997, "short": "ethercat", "long": "EtherCAT", "group-id": 2068, "group-long": "Industrial", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1048998, "short": "arp", "long": "ARP", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1048999, "short": "profinet", "long": "Profinet", "group-id": 2068, "group-long": "Industrial", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049000, "short": "ouroboros", "long": "Ouroboros", "group-id": 2075, "group-long": "Finance", "groupset-id": 3, "groupset-short-id": "work", "groupset-long-id": "Work & Learn from home" }, { "id-num": 1049001, "short": "eigrp", "long": "EIGRP", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049002, "short": "cip", "long": "Common Industrial Protocol", "group-id": 2068, "group-long": "Industrial", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049003, "short": "cdp", "long": "Cisco Discovery Protocol", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049004, "short": "valorant", "long": "Valorant", "group-id": 2050, "group-long": "Gaming", "groupset-id": 1, "groupset-short-id": "gaming", "groupset-long-id": "Gaming" }, { "id-num": 1049005, "short": "vtp", "long": "VLAN Trunking Protocol", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049006, "short": "mmse", "long": "Multimedia Messaging Service Encapsulation", "group-id": 2055, "group-long": "Messaging", "groupset-id": 0, "groupset-short-id": "calling", "groupset-long-id": "Calling and conferencing" }, { "id-num": 1049007, "short": "dtp", "long": "Dynamic Trunking Protocol", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049008, "short": "nvidia", "long": "Nvidia", "group-id": 2050, "group-long": "Gaming", "groupset-id": 1, "groupset-short-id": "gaming", "groupset-long-id": "Gaming" }, { "id-num": 1049009, "short": "ubisoft", "long": "Ubisoft", "group-id": 2050, "group-long": "Gaming", "groupset-id": 1, "groupset-short-id": "gaming", "groupset-long-id": "Gaming" }, { "id-num": 1049010, "short": "vrrp", "long": "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049011, "short": "pppoe", "long": "PPPoE", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049012, "short": "vxlan", "long": "VXLAN", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049013, "short": "cloudflare", "long": "Cloudflare", "group-id": 2073, "group-long": "Cloud and CDN Services", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049014, "short": "fins", "long": "FINS", "group-id": 2068, "group-long": "Industrial", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049015, "short": "pfcp", "long": "Packet Forwarding Control Protocol", "group-id": 2060, "group-long": "Network Management", "groupset-id": 5, "groupset-short-id": "other", "groupset-long-id": "Other" }, { "id-num": 1049016, "short": "lost-ark", "long": "Lost Ark", "group-id": 2050, "group-long": "Gaming", "groupset-id": 1, "groupset-short-id": "gaming", "groupset-long-id": "Gaming" }, { "id-num": 1049017, "short": "polkadot", "long": "Polkadot", "group-id": 2075, "group-long": "Finance", "groupset-id": 3, "groupset-short-id": "work", "groupset-long-id": "Work & Learn from home" } ], "prompt": "(config)" }



4 answers to this question

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On 10/22/2022 at 9:42 PM, Paprikar said:

The simplest and rather correct solution would be to simply move Steam (and other similar services) traffic somewhere in the "File transferring" group set.

In the latest version of the traffic classification engine, the digital distribution platforms for games such as BattleNet, EA Origin, Epic Games, Gearbox Shift, GOG, Steam and Ubisoft Connect were moved to the "App-Stores and OS Updates" category of the “File transferring” group (see the screenshots). At the moment, Keenetic OS v3.9 Beta 1 includes the latest traffic classification engine. You can update your KeeneticOS to 3.9 Beta 1 from the update channel Dev or Preview. The next release following 3.8.5 will include the latest traffic classification engine as well.

traffic-analyser-3.9.b1-2022-10-24 .png

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I am also experiencing some problems with the fact that the traffic when downloading content in Steam is counted as traffic with the priority of the group set "Gaming".

The simplest and rather correct solution would be to simply move Steam (and other similar services) traffic somewhere in the "File transferring" group set.

In addition to this, you can add the ability to edit these settings.

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