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You may use Debian 8.11 "Jessie" , Debian 9.13 "Stretch" , Debian 10.13 "Buster" , Debian 11.10 "Bullseye" or Debian 12.6 "Bookworm" right on your Keenetic router.

http://files.keenopt.ru/ is a good example of working Debian on Keenetic Giga III.

! Dropping mips architecture

! Debian 12.3 image release delayed



           ( for KN-2011 or KN-2111 - debian-jessie-8_11-mips.tar.gz or debian-stretch-9_13-mips.tar.gz or debian-buster-10.13-mips.tar.gz ),

           ( for KN-2710 - debian-buster-10.13-aarch64.tar.gz or debian-bullseye-11.10-aarch64.tar.gz or debian-bookworm-12.6-aarch64.tar.gz)

  • Open OPKG page, pick your USB drive and hit "Apply".

Give your Keenetic a couple of minutes to unpack necessary files, you''ll see following syslog messages if all went fine:

[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: Opkg::Manager: disk is set to: fb4e34d1-3cab-fd19-b96d-4bb3a2d5ec84:
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: Opkg::Manager: init script reset to default: /opt/etc/initrc.
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/FIT8GB/ mounted to /tmp/mnt/FIT8GB/.
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/FIT8GB/ mounted to /opt/.
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 npkg: inflating "debian-keenetic.tar.gz".
[I] Jul 19 13:24:28 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: saving configuration...
[I] Jul 19 13:26:10 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/FIT8GB/ initialized.
[I] Jul 19 13:26:10 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: configuration saved.
[I] Jul 19 10:26:10 root: Starting Debian services...
[W] Jul 19 13:26:11 ndm: kernel: Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
[I] Jul 19 13:26:11 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
[I] Jul 19 13:26:11 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Done.
[I] Jul 19 10:26:11 sshd[448]: Server listening on port 22.
[I] Jul 19 10:26:11 sshd[448]: Server listening on :: port 22.
[I] Feb 19 12:26:45 ndm: Opkg::Manager: disk is set to: debian:/.
[I] Feb 19 12:26:45 ndm: kernel: EXT4-fs (sde): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[I] Feb 19 12:26:45 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/bc2a2eb6-f889-4366-83ba-2cc3b93646f9 mounted to /tmp/mnt/bc2a2eb6-f889-4366-83ba-2cc3b93646f9.
[I] Feb 19 12:26:45 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/bc2a2eb6-f889-4366-83ba-2cc3b93646f9 mounted to /opt/.

[I] Feb 19 12:26:45 npkg: inflating "debian-stretch-9_8-mipsel.tar.gz".

[I] Feb 19 12:27:13 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /tmp/mnt/bc2a2eb6-f889-4366-83ba-2cc3b93646f9 initialized.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:13 ndm: Opkg::Manager: init script reset to default: /opt/etc/initrc.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:13 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: saving configuration...
[I] Feb 19 12:27:13 ndm: Dns::Manager: RPC-only mode enabled.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:13 ndnproxy: ndnproxy stopped.

[I] Feb 19 09:27:13 0: Starting Debian services...
[I] Feb 19 09:27:14 sshd[8096]: Server listening on port 222.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:14 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:14 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Done.
[I] Feb 19 09:27:14 sshd[8096]: Server listening on :: port 222.

[I] Feb 19 12:27:15 ndnproxy: ndnproxy 1.3.0b22 started.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:15 ndnproxy: PID file: /var/ndnproxymain.pid.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:15 ndnproxy: stats. file: /var/ndnproxymain.stat.
[I] Feb 19 12:27:17 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: configuration saved.

[I] Feb 19 09:27:55 sshd[8308]: Connection closed by port 48314 [preauth]
[I] Feb 19 09:28:34 sshd[8476]: Accepted password for root from port 48318 ssh2
[I] Feb 19 09:28:34 sshd[8476]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
[E] Feb 19 09:28:34 sshd[8476]: pam_env(sshd:session): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory

[I] Feb 19 09:29:56 chroot: Hello, World!

[I] Feb 19 09:31:13 sshd[8476]: Received disconnect from port 48318:11: disconnected by user
[I] Feb 19 09:31:13 sshd[8476]: Disconnected from port 48318
[I] Feb 19 09:31:13 sshd[8476]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root

[I] Feb 19 12:31:30 ndm: Opkg::Manager: unmount existing /opt disk: debian:/.
[I] Feb 19 09:31:30 0: Stopping Debian services...
[I] Feb 19 09:31:31 sshd[8096]: Received signal 15; terminating.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Done.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Opkg::Manager: disk unmounted.

[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndnproxy: ndnproxy stopped.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Dns::Manager: RPC-only mode disabled.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Opkg::Manager: disk is unset.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Opkg::Manager: init script reset to default: /opt/etc/initrc.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:31 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: saving configuration...
[I] Feb 19 12:31:33 ndnproxy: ndnproxy 1.3.0b22 started.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:33 ndnproxy: PID file: /var/ndnproxymain.pid.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:33 ndnproxy: stats. file: /var/ndnproxymain.stat.
[I] Feb 19 12:31:34 ndm: Core::ConfigurationSaver: configuration saved.


Using Debian

Use following SSH credentials to get access to Debian environment:

  • host: my.keenetic.net,
  • port: 222
  • user name: root,
  • password: debian.

This is it, you've got 10000+ available packages from one of greatest linux community!

For 64MB RAM devices is highly recommended to turn on Swap-file.



You see chroot-environment after SSH logon, there's only minimal Busubox outside of it and /opt/etc/initrc script to fire up sandbox, this script starts necessary Debian services on boot and gracefully shut them down on reboot or unmount USB drive:


[I] Jul 19 10:28:36 root: Stopping Debian services...
[I] Jul 19 10:28:36 sshd[448]: Received signal 15; terminating.
[I] Jul 19 13:28:36 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
[I] Jul 19 13:28:36 ndm: Opkg::Manager: /opt/etc/initrc: Done.
[I] Jul 19 13:28:36 ndm: Opkg::Manager: disk unmounted.

Also, you'll find /chroot-services.list file, where you can put new services which should be started on boot, please use one name per string, service names can be taken from  /etc/init.d.

Good luck!


Edited by TheBB
upd Debian 11.10/12.6
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