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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. Dashboard is open. Occasionally this warning appears and disappears on the Mesh-wifi system card. Is the warning related to software control or what is it updating in the mesh system?
  2. When using the hidden left menu, the menu automatically collapses when you navigate to a heading within the menu. However, when a link is redirected on the page, the left menu remains open. Click to download screen record.
  3. Solved. Thanks
  4. Thank you. Yeah, I checked again yesterday. How the reboot command from RMM works. Then it is enough to add a button as @Ahmed Ensar said.
  5. I think it's restarting the backhaul. Does not include members. (modular Wi-fi system = MWS) (config)> mws reboot Mws::Controller: Pending reboot Modular Wi-Fi System in 10 ► seconds.
  6. Maybe it can be added into the ndmporxy. show dns-proxy is it possible to customize dns-proxy list? user can add its own addresses.
  7. Same as in USB Zyxel plus dsl. ✌️👍
  8. New UI directly show the error when I didn't change any settings for DHCP pool. Also showing error in old UI, after change the subnet and then enter the poolsize
  9. The strange thing is that 1 of 3 Keenetic controllers on 4.1.a.1 software started appearing online for 2-3 days.
  10. Where is nodes section in new interface?
  11. Range does not give correct information.
  12. We had this request in RMM before, and it works great for me now. In a 2-3 device mesh, rebooting devices back-to-back isn't too much of a problem. The problem is in my 29 mesh system. Sometimes it may be necessary to test this action after a setting change. So reboot. It is necessary to cut off the electricity of all devices from the transformer.
  13. How? Any information? Select or non-select. And I think it is long sentences. If select, yes I will do I think it is removing checked marks. But no. And if you want to edit extender's setting, I need to check extender before. two-step actions is not look good.
  14. After the new alpha channel update, networks remained timeout in rmm. Only 3 networks in the list are only in version 4.1.a.1.
  15. When the button is clicked, detailed information appears at the top. The card is getting longer. Instead of; details can be opened as a pop-up just below the button when clicked. Or a static box.
  16. Cards On One Card is off. It looks like it's unused or not installed. Instead of changing the color of the card, only the key should work.
  17. It is actually a feature that can be seen in corporate-oriented solutions. "captive portal with social login"
  18. Actually, Keenetic Hero 4G / 4G+ model is more suitable for you. It would be the most suitable and hardware solution for both sms and backup connection use.
  19. Follow this topic https://forum.keenetic.com/topic/15940-отвал-ретрансляторов-на-версии-4011/?do=findComment&comment=161579
  20. I guess torrent and link downloads are not reflected in the graph.
  21. Hello, In Hosts, it says 2 Ghz instead of 2.4 Ghz in the Connection column. https://prnt.sc/nElwmX_lDr1Q
  22. I understand. But this is not a new USB. I maybe want to remove that directory from SMB. I'll just source another directory. It comes back automatically after deleting Auto-mount new USB drives if i insert a new disk i will understand. it comes back when completely removing the current disk. So we will delete the source path that cannot be found after unmounting?
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