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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. Tüm DSL ve USB modemlerinde fabrika varsayılanı CAKE paket zamanlayıcısı, tüm router modellerinde ise FQ_CODEL aktif olarak gelmektedir. Örnek komutlar; interface ISP tx-queue scheduler cake interface ISP tx-queue scheduler fq_codel iptal etmek için: komut başına sadece " no " ekleyin. (Tırnaklar olmadan)
  2. On the ticket, the problem was shown with a video recording and the self-test was shared. @vst
  3. Fixed!! Just turn off SMB and on again. Interesting.
  4. Hello, With the 3.8.A.8 update, I cannot access my existing SMB user. Password query is repeated. It has also been tried by creating a different user. Screen Record: https://disk.yandex.com.tr/i/KFUZ_MWuDk3AMA Keenetic Support Ticket #580078 @Le ecureuil
  5. I am experiencing a similar situation. my device is peak dsl and i am using 160mhz active. I don't have manual 5ghz connection settings for devices. DFS 104 108 112 are the channels that I have observed problems in general. I don't have much problem with DFS 100 or 52 channel. We follow up with Keenetic TR via ticket. #575074
  6. Which 5ghz channel are you having this problem on? Does it automatically connect at 2.4ghz?
  7. Bir kaç kez yeniden başlatmada düzeliyor. Ya da cihazlardan birinde bileşen ekle/çıkar. Yeniden fw derleyip kuruyor ya her seferinde.
  8. Restart the main device and extender 1-2 times, it generally fixes. I've reported it before. It fixed itself. No add/remove components. fw recompile.
  9. Thanks for best answer @eralde
  10. In future versions, maybe sections will be portable(drag'n'drop) in the interface. In this way, we can make arrangements on our screens as we want. I would like to use space like this on my 2K 32' monitor. https://prnt.sc/UMLynDLGZVCo @eralde
  11. Thank you! I am currently creating the first club. 🙏🤘 ok.. a moderator needs to give permission to the club.. https://prnt.sc/26wg49y
  12. There are certain people who can volunteer.
  13. Have you opened a request for Keenetic TR RD? destek@keenetic.com.tr You can tell the situation with your line statistics report and self-test. Also, on what basis did you turn off or on the settings related to sub-technologies? (SRA, G.Vector or etc...) It recognizes these technologies during the first installation and is set to on or off. (Line learning mode) It recognizes these technologies during the first installation and is set to on or off. (Line learning mode) Is there an entry in the syslogs related to LCP terminated?(The trouble with Türknet users) Is the software version 3.7.2 or 3.8.x? Also, your line attenuation is a bit high. @PriSonerS61 do you have comments?
  14. If you say that the light is blinking even if the wifi is turned off, it is not. If you do not have a Mesh Wi-Fi system, turn off Backhaul from the settings under the Wi-Fi Mesh menu. Backhaul, by design, does not close.
  15. KeeneticOS is cloud based software/GUI. You can access your ap/extender on cloud tunnel. For your use, it will be more accurate to use wirelessly in WISP mode in router mode or in provider mode in wired mode.
  16. Besides many users who receive private ip service, I receive public ip service. So I have direct access. But every time I restart the modem, this ip changes. For this reason, I cannot give the same IP address that we want to make a firewall rule. In the example below, is it possible to use KeenDNS instead of the IP address? Can this be achieved by agreement of the two Keenetics over the cloud? Example: I use Keenetic at my company and home. The computer at my company is only for accessing via my Keenetic which is the public ip service at my home. https://prnt.sc/26ppi5d
  17. If the channel setting of the Keenetic home network is set to a fixed channel instead of an automatic channel for 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, the connection to the wireless devices on the opposite side is not provided.
  18. The VPN client works by routing the client's traffic to the VPN provider. Router mode: All Yes AP or Extender mode: All No https://prnt.sc/26o3cnv
  19. You need to use Viva/Skipper in router mode for VPN and all connection types.
  20. No. You need to register static ip from your ISP.
  21. https://prnt.sc/26hbhh8 & https://prnt.sc/26hbhlv I guess you want this for repeater/ap mode and with a simple switch? / In this request, devices are evaluated without being included in the mesh system, right?
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