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Le ecureuil

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Everything posted by Le ecureuil

  1. Viva тоже будет добавлена, но попозже - у нас очень много моделей, нужно по всем пробежаться, чтобы выяснить что там с размером flash.
  2. Нет там никакого quiche, openssl + nghttp3 + curl. Однако места все это добро занимает на flash, и на SPI-устройства я это включать не буду (потому что DoH всходит в рекомендованный набор, и он перестанет влезать у многих), только на те, где flash 128 и выше.
  3. Поддержка DoH HTTP/3 появится на устройствах с >= 256 Мбайт ОЗУ в следующей версии 4.02.
  4. DoH support for HTTP/3 will appear for models with >= 256 MB RAM in the next 4.2 release.
  5. You can obvoiusly speedup integration by showing us opensource pure-C implementation of DoQ proxy. Go is not an option. Вы можете ускорить интеграцию, показав нам открытую реализацию DoQ-прокси на C. Go не подходит.
  6. KN-2011 lacks USB support, so these modules are unavailable in official releases. But you can use Keenetic SDK.
  7. Can you please check on fw version 4.0?
  8. It is already available in draft channel (version 4.0). You should configure and enable regular ping-check at first. Then execute commands in CLI > pingcheck profile <profile> mode uri > pingcheck profile <profile> uri <uri> and save via > system configuration save. Right now only URI with http and https schemas are supported.
  9. Do you mean exact check of "local administrated bit"?
  10. It is impossible right now, but we have plans to add http mode to pingcheck. Stay tuned.
  11. Le ecureuil


    It needs to be investigated. Unfortunately there is no possibility to check whether jumbo or baby jumbo are available, so we must choose a "safe for all" defaults: so they will be 1480 on mapt and 1500 on ipv6. But of course you and anyone who sure in availability of baby jumbo can enable it anytime.
  12. Le ecureuil


    The most convenient solution is to enable TCP MSS tuning, and to set the default value of MAP-T interface to 'MTU of parent - 20' bytes. We will think of this. Of course you can override this settings in cli, but as default for the vast majority it is enough. Do you want to have 900 dl / 900 ul in IPv4 as MAP-T? As I understand from your results download speed is good enough, but upload stuck on 250 mbps. Please send us (to official support) self-test file taken in exact moment when you run speedtest for upload (it's better to increase test time to 1 minute for example to easy your task if possible).
  13. Please provide self-test for investigation.
  14. Try to disable encryption for now, it will prevent crashes until fix.
  15. Version 3.8 already contains fixes, so you can try it.
  16. Сообщение про "rogue answer" я подправил, но не верю что это может быть причиной что "не работает". Это, вероятно, что-то еще: и вот это непонятно. Больше похоже что интернет "застрял" и не работает.
  17. POST /rci/ip/hotspot/host/policy with body: { "mac": "ec:44:33:00:11:22", "no" : true } or DELETE /rci/ip/hotspot/host/policy?mac=ec:44:33:00:11:22
  18. It is a sort of redundancy and load balancing based on connection reply speed. Further communication performs with the server with the fastest reply.
  19. The EULA states that it is required and cannot be disabled.
  20. I still can't see any reasonable point for choosing DoT over DoH. Will disclosure some facts behind implementation. We discussed protocols selection and fallback with NextDNS team and they advised us to stuck on DoH only, as it provides best possible service over others with neglectible expense. That's the point from authors of the NextDNS, and I totally agree with them. Yes, they support many other protocols, but as legacy fallback with degradation of service quality. So I will ask you again: is there any reasonable point for DoT over DoH?
  21. "Don't want" is not a valid reason. I don't want on the other hand, so what? Will any real considerations appear?
  22. We don't support DoQ for now (as well as NextDNS). DNS-over-HTTP/3 is not supported as there is no final RFC for HTTP/3. Can you describe your needs in DoT over DoH? It seems that there is none.
  23. It's rather strange to insert link just to login page. We are considering to add personal links to all profiles. Stay tuned )
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