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Traffic Monitor - Choosing Color Set




I want to thank you again and again for the new interface. @eralde and all GUI developer team.
There is a more minimal image in the traffic monitor section. But I want to make a request. 

The color set used is shades of yellow and green. I am color blind. I especially have trouble distinguishing between green and red tones. 
Can a color palette selection feature be added to this page or across the entire interface?


Example: image.thumb.png.6f474a17b8e30c8ac76b22f0c794e188.png

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25 минут назад, KYTECHNGAMING сказал:

The color set used is shades of yellow and green. I am color blind. I especially have trouble distinguishing between green and red tones. 
Can a color palette selection feature be added to this page or across the entire interface?

Since 4.1 Alpha 1, I noticed that the color shades for the Traffic Monitor are too close:

@eralde @Anna_ have you considered options for a different color palette? Вы не рассматривали варианты другой цветовой палитры?

Edited by dimon27254
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Да, цвета в Мониторе трафика просто унылое г...

Уж лучше сделать хотя бы как в старой версии прошивки или что-то похожее... 

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В 17.07.2024 в 15:15, Anna_ сказал:

@dimon27254 and @KYTECHNGAMING, this week we just took a task about changing the whole colour scheme) We'll try to come up with a better solution for graphs too!

28,8,2024....цветовой невнятный градиент так и на месте...
Когда ждать поправок?

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