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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. Can a clickable link be added for the 4th level domains created in the domain name section? or maybe redirect button. https://prnt.sc/s7MUuHV8DPOH In the new design, one-click links are available on the wi-fi mesh screen. In some cases, it may not work, or it may be good to be able to navigate to the domain redirection comfortably while in the domain name menu.
  2. I can show it again. When 25 is selected, the columns are narrow. When 50-100-250 is selected, the columns expand. https://www.veed.io/view/ea43e866-dce1-4b9e-b2f2-a2f09eb79b8a
  3. With connection priorities, we can define the hosts to the connection we want. Is it applicable to be able to define specific repeaters in the mesh system to different connections as well? Yes, it can cause problems such as IP changes in roaming. (Like in the Multi-wan app.) If we want to apply this with awareness.... Will other problems arise? The demand is because; My internet provider provides a maximum of 100mbit internet in the region. Connecting 2-3 lines. To make binding in regional use. I cannot apply this binding on devices with the registered device number limit. This is already a difficult application. https://prnt.sc/pUlVO0WyyJA1 https://prnt.sc/Bx3-8f8X5Aap
  4. Hello @Julia Rybakova Column widths in 25 and 250 rows vary widely according to hosts specifications. https://www.veed.io/view/567ee514-5028-4611-9c9d-6d676fed75aa
  5. Hello, Columns do not stay fixed in the "Show 25 or 250 hosts" option on the page. The table expands according to the data formation. Can't fit 1080p screen. (Especially when the side menu is open.) 25 items : https://ibb.co/XDChkDv 250 items : https://prnt.sc/tpHX4gjqrB-n
  6. Just " keenetic " It cannot be any other password. You can change it after logging in if you want.
  7. Yes, it is preferable. I also prefer this method. More minimal and sufficient.
  8. Follow these guides. Installing the Entware repository package system on a USB drive https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021214160 Installing OPKG Entware in the router's internal memory https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021888880
  9. IPv6 geliştirme aşamasında. Zamanla özellikler eklenir ve eksiklikler giderilecektir.
  10. Karanlık temayı kurun. CRC ülkemizde meşhur olmuş ve takip edilmesi gereklilikmiş gibi görünen bir değer. Ya da more proc:/driver/ensoc_dsl/dsl_stats komutu işleyin.
  11. Is it possible to offer dmt dsl drivers with version selection? For example, can options such as 0.46 , 0.47 version be added independently in fw?
  12. Endless love and respect to the Keenetic software development team, who developed more than what was required
  13. I updated all devices to 3.8 beta 1. The wireless repeater is not connecting after restarting the entire mesh system at the same time. https://prnt.sc/aX93Z53pZKZb A repeater near me that is framed in white in the screenshot. After powering down and rebooting, mesh is working perfectly fine. (Other Extra 2 floors below.) https://prnt.sc/rcW0xiYUI4Bj If you tell me the diagnostic method, I can perform the test. Ticket ID: #583582 Turning it off and on again fixes it.
  14. Is it possible to put a mark all read button on the SMS page? Maybe other action buttons too. Select All, Delete Selected, etc. https://prnt.sc/9oUME37g1amW
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  15. While all channels are dfs in 160mhz ac2600 models, there is no DFS requirement in the 36-48 range at 80 mhz. However, when 5ghz auto channel scanning is on, it is possible to switch to DFS channels. I saw that many devices have DFS channels external scanning or Auto Compability options like this. That's why I made a request. Many wi-fi devices can create incompatibilities in the DFS channel.
  16. Did u check here? https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/4425724302738
  17. The problem was discovered that the user rights in the SMB database were not loaded. I was informed by Keenetic TR RD that a fix would be worked on.
  18. Go to your https://keenetic.cloud/ and click Support link. or it is shortcut for you. https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  19. After deselecting KeenDNS component, did you choose to install the component in webdav or sstp?
  20. Such an option is available on a ZTE H3600 interface. ( https://bandaancha.eu/articulos/nuevo-router-wifi-6-digi-clientes-fibra-10132 ) Auto Auto wo/ DFS Fix channel numbers Why is this not supported by Keenetic?
  21. After restarting Keenetic, I encountered the same problem again. I will do packet capture.
  22. TuneMyKeenetic Pls! 🙃
  23. I think it's enough. If there is already a logged in account in the browser, it automatically accesses the nextdns panel. or since his account is already connected in the keenetic interface, he can log in directly with the information from here. We trust you. 😎👍🙏😀🥇
  24. Nextdns integration is great. Can a button be placed on the Internet security page, where we can go to the profile settings? For Example: https://ibb.co/WGXn6sJ @Le ecureuil @eralde
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