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Everything posted by KYTECHNGAMING

  1. https://rohankapoor.com/2012/06/configuring-the-raspberry-pi-as-an-airprint-server/ https://snapcraft.io/ipp-usb If I had iOS I would research and experience this.
  2. Hello, I have the KN-1011 model. After trying with my SFP module, I wanted to continue my ethernet connection. (SFP module is currently plugged in without connector) I saw that the LAN connection light was not on for a while. I wanted to try turning the port off and on in system settings. I disabled the GigabitEthernet0 port. At that time, the lan connection light came on. Internet connection is also provided. It was surprising. I have been using this way for 24 hours. Dashboard: https://prnt.sc/pPRZ0gZp_A87 Dashboard Ports: https://prnt.sc/hQuw13E2bK3J System Settings Ports: https://prnt.sc/c1M9-PYxnUnq Ethernet Settings (WAN): https://prnt.sc/V5e3tWAY5Bhm / https://prnt.sc/yhyF2g3eO4Vb In summary: WAN port can't be disabled? The ticket has been opened. #594994 Self-test shared.
  3. 3.6.b.0.6 https://help.keenetic.com/hc/article_attachments/6077251566748/app_proto-20220909.xlsx https://prnt.sc/66mvcuKVvfPh
  4. Just apply this article. https://help.keenetic.com/hc/ru/articles/4405806688914-Remote-access-to-the-Transmission-interface
  5. Fixed. Thanks Keenetic Team. https://prnt.sc/pCXewB6yA1jn
  6. The interface is completely broken on my Extra and City devices. https://prnt.sc/Yw1bSIld7XqQ https://prnt.sc/FDL4fTlvkR-h https://prnt.sc/Xls3uW3JGujl @eralde @Le ecureuil
  7. 3.9.B.1 New Property Text Color https://prnt.sc/aJj-AqSsBkKZ
  8. https://prnt.sc/WR80BsNLTHb6 okey we are online. I updated to 3.9.B.1 and started to appear online and see data in RMM. @Julia Rybakova
  9. No problem. Yes, unfortunately it is the same. No data. https://prnt.sc/5RBz-Knlau5_ https://prnt.sc/di9HkWpddh8B
  10. Yes, all others which are online is online or vice versa. But new one is not get information from my router.
  11. https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000563719-An-example-of-remote-access-to-home-network-resources-with-KeenDNS Would creating a level 4 domain be sufficient for your request?
  12. Hello, @Julia Rybakova I was unable to add a new Carrier DSL to my networks. https://prnt.sc/O4gl5kTj3QYW & https://prnt.sc/WdIeZIZ7IaJh No data for more than 24 hours. I deleted and added again. But the data is not coming. Note: KeeneticOS 3.8.5 Thank you.
  13. https://prnt.sc/Nb7wzQYST9y3 Thank you very much, Miss Julia. Problem Fixed. 🙏👍
  14. Yepss!! Removed from tasks. But how do we do it inside my networks? Should I share service tag or keendns to you? https://prnt.sc/OeqaowcNXAm6
  15. I noticed the situation on the Hero DSL that I set up with 3.9.A.9. After testing and making sure, I can open a new topic. The public internet filter does not remain registered after the device restarts. https://disk.yandex.com.tr/i/uOtzJcZHzMSVfQ Ticket ID: #593504
  16. Is CID turned on? https://prnt.sc/-GoRDNfJpWpS Is component installed? https://prnt.sc/QbKfnwjTGHOP
  17. Hello, When the service tag is opened in the columns (or all options are selected), the setting button does not appear properly. Experienced in 1080p. https://prnt.sc/ShpyYSrEuIiy
  18. Hello, I did a whole-reboot of one of my network during migration for the new polling system. Luckily, RMM stopped responding within 3-4 minutes. Currently one of my network remains "reboot in progress" even though RMM is active again. Also, it still seems to reboot in the task tab. I can't even delete the network. https://prnt.sc/pylwO22A6BUA & https://prnt.sc/-LegzFgBzIy7 Can you help me? @Julia Rybakova
  19. https://prnt.sc/pY9GR0EBggQt Some are online and some are offline. I think the migration/update is in progress.
  20. I think understanding is needed. RMM is still in beta and is being made more usable with updates every day. There may be interruptions during this phase. But there is no access problem as you say.
  21. I think I'm having a similar problem. Does it get fixed after restarting the main controller? R&D Ticket ID: 593245
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